Verbs - Interrogative Mood (L.8.1c)
Interrogative Mood-the verb is used to indicate a question; one way to recognize the interrogative is that the helping verb, or auxiliary verb, comes before the subject of the sentence
Examples: Will Joe come to play?
Can Marie play the piano?
Verbs - Interrogative Mood (L.8.1c)Examples: Will Joe come to play?
Can Marie play the piano?

Related Links:
Verbs - Conditional Mood (L.8.1c)
Verbs - Imperative Mood (L.8.1c)
Verbs - Interrogative Mood (L.8.1c)
Verbs - Mood Review (L.8.1c)
Verbs - Writing Sentences with Varying Moods (L.8.1c)
Verbs - Subjunctive Mood (L.8.1c)