Commas: Direct Address and Tag Questions

Commas should be used to indicate direct address, which means that the sentence indicates a person who is being spoken to.
Example: Steve, is it your turn?
Thank you for coming, Mary.
Commas should also be used to set off tag questions from the rest of the sentence.
Example: It's hot in here, isn't it?
You don't feel well, do you?
Commas: Direct Address and Tag Questions

Related Links:
Capitals and Commas
Commas in Addresses
Using commas in addresses
Using commas in addresses
Using commas and quotation marks to indicate direct speech
Commas and Coordinating Conjunctions
Commas: Introductory Elements
Commas: Items in a Series
Using Commas to Set Off Interrupters
Commas in Dates Quiz
Commas in Places Quiz
Comma Quiz