Tuesdays with Morrie Chapter 8 Summary

For "The Tenth Tuesday: We Talk about Marriage," Mitch brings his wife Janine along with him to see Morrie. They look at wedding photos; then Morrie tells them about when he briefly worked in Detroit. One of Morrie's poker buddies asked if he could come watch Morrie teach a sociology class some time, which Morrie agreed to. To return the favor, the man offered to let Morrie scrub in on an operation that he would be performing. Morrie went, and when the doctor sliced the woman open, he felt faint. When the nurse asked Morrie what was the matter, he asked if he could leave. Charlotte brought in some liquid supplements for Morrie while they spoke because Morrie didn't really eat anymore. Since Janine was a professional singer, Morrie asked her to sing him a song, so she sang "The Very Thought of You." Morrie was crying by the end, and Mitch felt he had never heard his wife sing that way before.

Then they talk about marriage and how many people seem to have problems with it. Morrie and Charlotte met as students and have remained together for forty-four years. Morrie says that marriage tests people. There are certain rules that couples should follow in order to help their chances of staying happy, such as always respecting one another, learning to compromise, keeping open communication, and sharing similar values. Morrie believes marriage is important and thinks everyone should try it.

In the next brief chapter Morrie and Mitch talk about the Book of Job from the Bible. God tested Job by taking away everything, including his loved ones and his health to make sure he would stay faithful. Morrie says he thought God may have gone too far.

In "The Eleventh Tuesday: We Talk about Our Culture," Mitch has begun helping Morrie with more medical tasks, such as slapping his back to loosen up the phlegm and make it easier to breathe. Mitch feels strange hitting his former teacher, but Morrie doesn't mind. Mitch has become more accustomed with touching Morrie in order to massage away his pain or lift him into different positions. Morrie explains to Mitch that even though we must follow the basic rules of society, we can decide which things to deem as important or how to feel about topics. Mitch asks Morrie why he never moved away from America and its selfishness. Morrie said the same type of problems exist elsewhere. People don't realize how similar they really are.

That day Mitch watched the television with Connie as they announced the verdict of the O.J. Simpson case. They were stunned by the result, but Morrie missed it because he was going to the bathroom.

In a short flashback to 1979, Mitch recalled a basketball game that Morrie attended where students were shouting, "We're number one." Morrie turned to them and asked, "What's wrong with being number two?" which shut them up.

For "The Audiovisual: Part Three," Ted Koppel and the crew of Nightline return to film Morrie once more. Koppel considered Morrie a friend by this point. Mitch mentions that other famous people, such as Stephen Hawking, have also suffered from ALS. Somehow, Hawking has survived several decades with the disease although he has a hole in his throat and uses a computer that senses the batting of his eyes to speak for him. Morrie tells Ted how he can barely move at all and finds himself tipping over all the time. He wants to die peacefully and shares his latest aphorism, "Don't let got too soon, but don't hang on too long." Morrie told the people at home to be kind and help one another. Morrie then admitted to Koppel after the filming that he had begun talking to God, asking him if he would become an angel.

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