Marie Antoinette Facts

Marie Antoinette Facts
Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France from 1774 until 1792, who became famous for her lavish lifestyle and eventual beheading. She was born in Austria in 1755, and became Daupine of France in 1770 following her arranged marriage to Louis XVI. She became the Queen of France in 1774 when Louis XVI became the king of France. During her years as queen Marie Antoinette became known for the money she spent on parties and fancy clothing and when the French Revolution broke out the monarchy began to lose its followers. The king was executed in 1793, and following Marie's trial that same year she was beheaded.
Interesting Marie Antoinette Facts:
Marie Antoinette was the 15th child of Habsburg Empress Maria Theresa and Holy Roman Emperor Francis I.
Marie Antoinette was born in Vienna, Austria in 1755.
In 1766 Marie was promised to Louis XVI of France.
The arranged marriage of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI was due to diplomatic and political reasons.
In 1770 Marie Antoinette was married to Louis XVI.
Marie and Louis had never met when they were married. Marie was 14 and Louis was 16.
Marie and Louis were first married by proxy (they had not yet met and were married in Vienna without both being present).
Marie was sent to France to live with her new husband shortly after the marriage by proxy.
Marie and Louis were married on May 16th, 1770 at the royal chapel in Versailles in front of 5,000 wedding guests.
Marie and Louis spent seven years as a married couple without producing an heir.
Marie began to spend money on lavish items and trips to pass the time.
Marie Antoinette gave birth to a daughter on December 19th, 1778 named Marie-Therese Charlotte.
Marie Antoinette gave birth to a son on October 22nd, 1781 named Louis Joseph Xavier Francois.
Marie Antoinette gave birth to her second son on March 27th, 1785 named Louis Charles.
Marie Antoinette gave birth to her second daughter on July 9th, 1786 but she died before her first birthday.
In 1787 Marie Antoinette was given the nickname Madame Deficit because many blamed her for the financial ruin of France.
Marie and Louis' oldest son died of tuberculosis when he was only seven.
Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI and their family were forced to move to Paris not long after the Storming of the Bastille.
Following an escape to the Austrian border, troops helped restore the royal family to the throne.
A radical group in France attempted to declare war on Austria but the war did not go well. Marie was blamed for the failure.
The monarchy was overthrown in 1792.
King Louis XVI was tried for treason and executed in January of 1793.
Marie lost custody of her son in July 1793. He was forced to tell lies about his mother at her trial in October of the same year.
Marie was tried and convicted of treason in 1793. Her head was cut off by guillotine.
Marie Antoinette was 37 when she was executed.

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