Latin : Word class. Prepositions. Prepositions with Acusative Quiz

*Theme/Title: Word class. Prepositions. Prepositions with Acusative
* Description/Instructions
Prepositions are a major chapter in the Latin language. As adverbs, they are not declinable. A preposition can have different meanings, as with the preposition per or in. Prepositions are usually used with a specific case. In this quiz, we will study the prepositions used with acusative case.

Praepositiōnēs magnae sunt in linguā latinā et ut adverbial fixae sunt. Unae praepositiō potest alia significātiōnēs habere. Haec praepositiōnēs sunt cum cāsus accūsātīvus.

Choose the correct option/ Ēlige aptum responsum.

Group: Latin Latin Quizzes
Topic: Latin

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