Dividing Mixed Numbers
Here is an example:
We can use the KCF method. This stands for KEEP, CHANGE, FLIP.
Keep the first fraction:
Change from division to multiplication:
Flip the second fraction over:
We can use these same steps when working with mixed numbers by adding one step in the beginning. That extra step is to change from mixed numbers to improper fractions.
Example #1:
Step 1: Change to improper fractions.
Step 2: Write a new division problem with the improper fractions.
Step 3: Use the KCF method to rewrite it as a multiplication problem.
Step 4: Solve!
Step 5: Rewrite as a mixed number.
Here is another example.
Example #2:
Step 1: Write the mixed numbers as improper fractions.
Step 2: Rewrite the division problem using the improper fractions.
Step 3: Use KCF.
Step 4: Multiply.
Step 5: Simplify.
So to divide mixed numbers you should change the fractions to improper fraction and the convert the problem to a multiplication question. Then you will be ready to solve.
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