Greater Than Less Than Kindergarten Worksheets
Common Core State Standards - K.CC.C.6 - Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group.
Greater Than Less Than Kindergarten worksheets (Animals) 1 to 5
Greater Than Less Than Kindergarten worksheets (Animals) 1 to 9
Greater Than Less Than worksheets 1 to 9
Greater Than Less Than worksheets 1 to 5
Greater Than Less Than (Shapes) worksheets 1 to 5
Greater Than Less Than (Shapes) worksheets 1 to 9
Greater Than Less Than worksheets 1 to 9
Greater Than Less Than Circle worksheets (Animals) 1 to 5
Greater Than Less Than Circle worksheets (Animals) 1 to 9
Greater Than Less Than Circle worksheets (Shapes) 1 to 5
Greater Than Less Than Circle worksheets (Shapes) 1 to 9
Greater Than Less Than Circle worksheets (Fruits) 1 to 5
Greater Than Less Than Circle worksheets (Fruits) 1 to 9
K.CC.C.7 - Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals.
Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 5
Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 9
Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 5
Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 9
Cut and Paste Alligators to Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 5
Cut and Paste Alligators to Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 9
Cut and Paste Alligators to Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 5
Cut and Paste Alligators to Compare Numbers Worksheets 1 to 9
Compare Numbers Worksheets
Less than Greater than worksheets
Kindergarten Place Value Worksheets (K.NBT.A.1)