Exponential Differentiation Rules

The general differentiation rules discussed how to differentiate a single function. This discussion will focus on how to differentiate polynomial functions involving addition and subtraction.

When functions are added together, the Sum Rule of Differentiation is used. This rule states that the derivative of the sum of the functions is equal to the sum of the derivatives of each part.


d dx [ f( x )+g( x ) ]= d dx f( x )+ d dx g( x )

When functions are subtracted, the Difference Rule of Differentiation is used. This rule states that the derivative of the difference of the functions is equal to the difference of the derivative of the parts.


d dx [ f( x )g( x ) ]= d dx f( x ) d dx g( x )

Let's take a look at a couple of examples

x3 - 7x + 12

Step 1: Simplify the expression

This expression is already simplified.

x3 - 7x + 12

Step 2: Apply the sum/difference rules.

Rewrite the derivative of the function as the sum/difference of the derivative of the parts.

d dx ( x 3 7x+12 )

d dx x 3 d dx 7x+ d dx 12

Step 3: Take the derivative of each part.

Use the power rule to differentiate x3.

Use the constant multiple and power rules to differentiate 7x.

Use the constant rule to differentiate 12.

d dx x 3 =3 x 2 Power Rule

d dx 7x=7 d dx x=7 x 0 =7 CM & Power

d dx 12=0   Constant Rule

Step 4: Add/Subtract the derivatives & simplify.

3x2 - 7

Example 1:     2x3(3 - x)

Step 1: Simplify the expression

Distribute the 2x3.

6x3 - 2x4

Step 2: Apply the sum/difference rules.

Rewrite the derivative of the function as the sum/difference of the derivative of the parts.

d dx ( 6 x 3 2 x 4 )

d dx 6 x 3 d dx 2 x 4

Step 3: Take the derivative of each part.

Use the constant multiple and power rules to differentiate 6x3.

Use the constant multiple and power rules to differentiate 2x4.

d dx 6 x 3 =6 d dx x 3 =18 x 2 CM & Power

d dx 2 x 4 =2 d dx x 4 =8 x 3 CM & Power

Step 4: Add/Subtract the derivatives & simplify.

18x2 - 8x3

Example 2:      ( x 6 +3 x 4 x 3 )+( 1 3 x 2 1 )

Step 1: Simplify the expression

Rewrite 1 3 x 2 as 1 3 x 2 and remove the parentheses.

d dx [ ( x 6 +3 x 4 x 3 )+( 1 3 x 2 1 ) ]

d dx [ x 6 +3 x 4 x 3 + 1 3 x 2 1 ]

Step 2: Apply the sum/difference rules.

Rewrite the derivative of the function and the sum/difference of the derivatives of the parts.

d dx x 6 + d dx 3 x 4 d dx x 3 + d dx 1 3 x 2 d dx 1

Step 3: Take the derivative of each part.

Use the power rule to differentiate x6

Use the constant multiple and power rules to differentiate 3x4.

Use the power rule to differentiate x3

Use the constant multiple and power rules to differentiate 1 3 x 2

Use the constant rule to differentiate 1

d dx x 6 =6 x 5         Power

d dx 3 x 4 =3 d dx x 4 =12 x 3  CM & Power

d dx x 3 =3 x 2         Power

d dx 1 3 x 2 = 1 3 d dx x 2 = 2 3 x 3 CMPower

d dx 1=0              Constant

Step 4: Add/Subtract the derivatives & simplify.

6 x 5 +12 x 3 3 x 2 2 3 x 3

Related Links:
Common Base Exponential Differentiation Rules
Product Rule
Algebra Topics

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