Absolute Value

The absolute value of a number is how far away it is from zero. Because it is a distance, it is always positive.

The symbol is two vertical lines around a number. So, |8|means "the absolute value of 8." Let's do a few so you can get the hang of it.

1) |8|=8
2) |-2|=2
3) |-7|=7
4) |5|=5
5) |3.2|=3.2
6) |-7.1|=7.1

As you can see, to find the absolute value, all you have to do is take the number and make sure it is positive.

Practice: Find the absolute value.

1) |10|
2) |-3|
3) |-2|
4) |832|
5) |-1.29|

Answers: 1) 10 2) 3 3) 2 4) 8325) 1.29

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Absolute Value