Persepolis Important Characters

Marjane - protagonist who writes about her own life from ages ten to fourteen. She lives with her parents in Iran and attends a French school for most of the time. Since her country is at war, many people she knows die before her parents finally send her to Austria to live with a friend of the family.

Mr. Satrapi - Marji's father, who protests the war and sometimes takes pictures.

Mrs. Satrapi - Marji's mother who also protests against the government and does not want to have to wear a veil. She believes in the importance of educating and empowering her daughter.

Anoosh - Marji's uncle who fled to Russia, got married, had children and got divorced before he was arrested by the Shah and put in jail. He was released after the Revolution then arrested again and executed.

Grandmother - Marji's grandmother who occasionally lives with them. Her husband had been a prime minister before being arrested and tortured.

Siamak - friend of the family who was arrested and tortured then released after the Revolution. He escapes capture the second time by hiding in a herd of sheep, so they kill his sister instead.

Mohsen - another friend of the family who was in jail with Siamak. After his release, he is hunted down later and drowned in a bathtub.

Mehri - Marji's nanny as a girl who falls in love with the neighbor boy but cannot be with him because she belongs to a lower class.

Ramin - a boy at Marji's school whose father murdered people as part of the Sha's secret police

Mali - a friend of Marji's mom whose family briefly lives with Marji's after their house is destroyed.

Taher - another one of Marji's uncles who suffers two heart attacks due to the stress of the war. After his third heart attack, he needs a passport to seek proper medical care, but he doesn't receive one in time and dies.

Khosro - friend of the family who agrees to forge a passport for Taher but then has to escape the country for hiding Niloufar in his basement.

Niloufar - eighteen-year-old girl who lives in Khosro's basement until she is discovered and executed.

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Persepolis 4th Part Summary
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