Yes or No Questions("الأسئلة" نعم" و "لا)
In Arabic the word ها, pronounced "hal," signifies a yes or no question. Most
statements can be turned into questions simply by adding ها to the beginning, a
question mark to the end, and changing your tone of voice to be questioning. Take the
sentences used to state occupation.
Each of these becomes a question simply by adding هل to the beginning, adding a question mark to the end, and changing your tone of voice.
To answer a yes or no question, start with "yes" or "no".
( While نَعَم is the Standard Arabic "yes" أيو ا is a widely used colloquial term for it as well.)
Then follow it with the correct statement.
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning |
.أنتَ صحفي | anta Sohofii. | You (masc.) are a journalist. |
.أنتِ دكتورة | anti daktuura. | You (fem.) are a doctor. |
.هو طالب | huwa Taalib. | He is a student. |
.هيّ ديبلوماسية | hiiya diibluumaasiiya. | She is a diplomat. |
Each of these becomes a question simply by adding هل to the beginning, adding a question mark to the end, and changing your tone of voice.
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning |
هل أنتَ صحفي؟ | hal anta Sohofii? | Are you (masc.) a journalist? |
هل أنتِ دكتورة؟ | hal anti daktuura? | Are you (fem.) a doctor? |
هل هو طالب ؟ | hal huwa Taalib? | Is he a student? |
ها هي ديبلوماسية؟ | hal hiiya diibluumaasiiya? | Is she a diplomat? |
To answer a yes or no question, start with "yes" or "no".
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning |
لا | laa | no |
نَعَم | na3am | yes |
أيوا | aywa | yes |
( While نَعَم is the Standard Arabic "yes" أيو ا is a widely used colloquial term for it as well.)
Then follow it with the correct statement.
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning |
هل أنتَ صحفي؟ | hal anta Sohofii? | Are you (masc.) a journalist? |
.نَعَم, انا صحفي | na3am ana Sohofi. | Yes, I am a journalist. |
.أيوا, انا صحفي | aywa ana Sohofi. | Yes, I am a journalist. |
.لأ, انا ديبلوماسي | laa ana diibluumaasii. | No, I am a diplomat. |
Related Links: Arabic About Me(عني) The Dual(المثنّى) |