Some Regular Verbs(بعض الأ فعال العادية)
Verb Presentation- singular, masculine, past tense
In English, when talking about the verb we use the infinitive of the verb, the un-conjugated form of "to do" "to write" or "to speak". Contrarily, when a verb is presented in Arabic, the form of the verb used to represent the verb as a whole is the singular masculine past tense or "he did" "he wrote" or "he spoke." This is because this form gives the most information about the verb.
Verbal Noun- the almaSdar الَمصْدَر
The almaSdar الَمصْدَر is the verbal noun form of any verb and is similar to the infinitive or the gerund form in English. For example, in English one would say "I like to run" or I like running." These places are where the almaSdar الَمصْدَر would appear in Arabic.
For clarity, new verbs will be presented with the sing. masc. past tense, the sing. masc. present tense, and the almaSdar الَمصْدَر.
Below is a list of simple regular verbs presented in this way. Many of them pertaining to vocabulary lists that have already been presented.
In English, when talking about the verb we use the infinitive of the verb, the un-conjugated form of "to do" "to write" or "to speak". Contrarily, when a verb is presented in Arabic, the form of the verb used to represent the verb as a whole is the singular masculine past tense or "he did" "he wrote" or "he spoke." This is because this form gives the most information about the verb.
Verbal Noun- the almaSdar الَمصْدَر
The almaSdar الَمصْدَر is the verbal noun form of any verb and is similar to the infinitive or the gerund form in English. For example, in English one would say "I like to run" or I like running." These places are where the almaSdar الَمصْدَر would appear in Arabic.
For clarity, new verbs will be presented with the sing. masc. past tense, the sing. masc. present tense, and the almaSdar الَمصْدَر.
almaSdar | masc. sing. present | sing. masc. past |
مَكتوب | يَكْتَب | كَتَبَ |
maktuub | yaktab | kataba |
Below is a list of simple regular verbs presented in this way. Many of them pertaining to vocabulary lists that have already been presented.
English -----> | Transcription ----> | Arabic Verb <---- |
to write | kataba, yaktabu, maktuub | كَتَبَ , يَكْتَبُ, مَكتوب |
to study | darasa, yadrusu, diraasa | ددَرَسَ , يَدْرُسُ, دِراسة |
to sit | jalasa, yajlasu, juluus | جَلَسَ , يَجْلَسُ, جُلوس |
to do | fa3ala, yaf3alu, fa3al, | فَعَلَ, يَفْعَلُ, فَعَل |
to work | 3amila, ya3amilu, 3amil | عَمِلَ, يَعْمِل, عَمِل |
to open | fataHa, yaftaHu, fataH | فَتَحَ, يَفْتَحُ, فَتَح |
to close | ghalaqa, yaghlaqu, ghalaq | غَلَقَ , يَغْلَقُ, غَلَق |
to understand | fahima, yafhimu, fahim | فَهِمَ, يَفْهِم, فَهِم |
to read | qara'a, yaqra'u, qaraa'a | قَرَأَ, يَقْرأَ ,قَراءة |
to live (in) a place | sakaia, yaskinu, sakin (fi) | سَكِنَ, يَسْكِنُ, سَكِن a place (في) |
to go out | kharaja, yakhraju, khuruuj | خَرَجَ, يَخْرَجُ, خُروج |
to travel | safara, yasfaru, safar | سَفَرَ, يَسْفَرُ, سَفَر |
to know | 3arifa, ya3rifu, ma3rifa | عَرِفَ, يَعرِفُ, مَعرِفة |
to pay | dafa3a, yadfa3u, daf3 | دَفَعَ, يَدْفَعُ, دَفع |
to think (about s. th.) | fakkira, yufakkiru, tafkiir, | فَكِّرَ , ُيفَكِّرُ, تَفكير |
to take | 'akhadha,ya'khadhu, 'akhdh | فأَخَذَ, يَأخَذُ, أَخَذ |
to change | ghayyira, yughaayyiru, taghyiir | غَيِّرَ, يُغَيِّرُ, تَغْيير |
to go (to) | dhahaba, yadhhabu, dhahaab | ذَهَبَ, يَذْهَبُ, ذَهاب |
to return | raja3a, yarja3u, rujuu3 | رَجَعَ , يَرجَعُ, رُجوع |
to wash | ghasala, yaghsalu, ghasal, | غَسَلَ, يَغْسَلُ, غَسَل |
to play | la3aba, yal3abu, la3b, | لَعَبَ, يَلْعَبُ, لَعْب |
to cook | Tabakha, yaTbakhu, Tabkh, | طَبَخَ, يَطْبَخُ, طَبخ |
to clean | naDDHHafa, yunaDDHHifu, tanDHiif | نَظَّفَ, يُنَظِّفُ, تَنظيف |
to drink | shariba, yashribu, sharb | شَرِبَ ,َ يشْرِبُ, شَرب |
to eat | 'akala, ya'kalu, 'akal | أَكَلَ ,َيأكَلُ, أَكَل |
Related Links: Arabic Present Tense Verbs(الأفعال المضارع) Roots and Patterns(جذور و أوزان) |