People and Family Members (أشخا ص و افراد العائلة)
Of the words below, if the word can refer to males or females and the plural is given, the given plural is the masculine, plural form of the word. This will be explained more later.
For extended family, Arabic titles are more specific than English, instead of just "Aunt" "Uncle" or "Cousin", these titles tell the listener exactly how that person is related to you.
The terms below refer to your parents' siblings.
If you want to talk about your aunt or uncle who has married one of your parents siblings you refer to them as "the husband of ____" or "the wife of_____" depending on which paternal/maternal aunt/uncle they married. An example of this would be:
( The ي on the end of عم means "my" and will be explained more later)
And the way to refer to a cousin is to say "the son/daughter of maternal/paternal aunt/uncle". For example:
( The ي on the end of عم means "my" and will be explained more later)
Arabic (plural) | Transcription | Meaning |
رجل (رجال) | rajal (rijaal) | man |
إمراة (مرأة) | imraa'a (mar'aat) | woman |
ولد (أولاد) | walad (awlaad) | boy |
فتاة (فيتات) | fataat (fatiyaat) | girl |
والد | waalid | father |
والدة | waalida | mother |
والدان | waalidaan | parents (both) |
آب | ab | father (colloquial) |
أم | um | mother (colloquial) |
إبن (أبناء) | ibn (abnaa') | son |
بنت (بنات) | bint (binaat) | daughter |
أخ (إخوة) | ukh (ikhwa) | brother |
أخت (أخوات) | ukht (akhwaat) | sister |
زوج (أزواج) | zowj (azwaaj) | husband |
زوجة (ز وجات) | zowja (zowjaat) | wife |
صديق\صديقة ( أ دصقا ء) | Sodiiq/Sodiiqa aSdiqaa' | friend (masc/fem) |
رفيق\رفيقة ( رفيقون) | rafiiq/rafiiqa rafiiquun | friend (masc/fem) |
زميل\زمياة ( زملاء) | zamiil/zamiila zumala' | colleague (masc/fem) |
خطيب\خطيبة | khoTiib/khoTiiba | fiance/fiancee |
The terms below refer to your parents' siblings.
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning | Meaning |
عم (عما م) | 3am (3amaam) | Paternal Uncle | Father's Brother |
عمة (عمات) | 3ama (3amaat) | Paternal Aunt | Father's Sister |
خال (أ خو ال) | khaal (akhwaal) | Maternal Uncle | Mother's Brother |
خالة (خا لات) | khaala (khaalaat) | Maternal Aunt | Mother's Sister |
If you want to talk about your aunt or uncle who has married one of your parents siblings you refer to them as "the husband of ____" or "the wife of_____" depending on which paternal/maternal aunt/uncle they married. An example of this would be:
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning |
زوجة عمي | zowjat 3amii | the wife of my paternal uncle |
( The ي on the end of عم means "my" and will be explained more later)
And the way to refer to a cousin is to say "the son/daughter of maternal/paternal aunt/uncle". For example:
Arabic | Transcription | Meaning |
إبن خالتي | ibn khaalatii | the son of my maternal aunt |
( The ي on the end of عم means "my" and will be explained more later)
Related Links: Arabic Vowels(حورف ال ع لة) Office Vocabulary(مفردات المكتب) |