Battle of the Alamo

The Alamo is a fort in San Antonio, Texas, and was the place a battle was fought between February 23 and March 6, 1836. It was fought between the Republic of Texas, which was not yet a state, and the country of Mexico.

Originally, during the 1700s, the Alamo was a religious place for Spanish missionaries, people who would teach others about the Christian faith. At that time, it was called the Mission San Antonio de Valero. However, over time, the building and area was turned into a fort by Spanish soldiers who then named it the Alamo. In the 1820s, during the expansion of America, settlers began to relocate in the area.

The Alamo covered about 3 acres of space and was surrounded by a 9 to 12-foot wall. Inside the buildings included a chapel, barracks for soldiers, courtyard, hospital, and stables for horses. There were canyons along the walls and on top of buildings.

The country of Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821 and at the time Texas was a part of Mexico, and many Americans moved there and became citizens of Mexico. The government of Mexico was like that of the United States and the people lived peacefully.

However, a Mexican general, Santa Ana, took over and controlled the government of Mexico and those living in Texas were unhappy with him as a ruler. A rebellion began and the Texans were led by a frontiersman, James Bowie and Lieutenant Colonel William Travis. They declared their independence on March 2, 1836 but Santa Ana organized an army, headed to Texas and confronted the Texans.

The Texans heard about the impending arrival of Santa Ana and they debated as to whether defend the fort or retreat. A man by the name of Sam Houston wanted to abandon the fort and remove the canyon, but James Bowie wanted to stay and defend it. Nearly all the soldiers stayed as well.

The Battle of the Alamo began upon Santa Ana and his troops arrival on February 23, 1836 and they had sieged the fort for 13 days. On the final day they attacked, and though the Mexicans defended themselves during the first few attacks, the Mexicans overwhelmed the Texans. The Mexican soldiers climbed over the walls and accessed the fort. The Texans fought as hard as possible but eventually the Mexicans won and killed every soldier in the fort.

Although everyone was killed, the rest of Texas was inspired by the soldiers who lost their lives for Texas' independence and fought against Mexico and Santa Ana. A few months later, the Texans could claim victory after Sam Houston led them in the Battle of San Jacinto. During the final battle, the Texans yelled 'Remember the Alamo!' as a tribute and reminder of the losses at the Alamo.

It is estimated that about 400 to 600 Mexicans were killed during the Battle of the Alamo and about 200 to 250 Texans were killed. Those who did survive in the fort were not soldiers, but women, children, servants, and slaves. The Alamo fort was used about 30 years later during the American Civil War by the Confederate soldiers fighting for the South.

In summary, when a person uses the phrase, 'Remember the Alamo' they are reminding others that it may not be the last battle or fight, and the future may be worse for the other side.

A: A fort
B: A mission
C: A town
D: Both A and B

A: Santa Ana
B: Houston
C: San Antonio
D: Dallas

A: Chapel and barracks
B: Schools and shops
C: Courtyard and hospital
D: Stables and canyons

A: Santa Ana
B: San Antonio
C: Sam Houston
D: William Travis

A: Sam Houston
B: James Bowie
C: Santa Ana
D: All the above

A: 9
B: 12
C: 13
D: 16

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