Molecular Formula
A molecular formula describes the number and kinds of atoms represented in a molecule of a substance. A molecule refers to two or more atoms bonded together by sharing electrons. Typically they consist of two or more non metals. Here is an example of a glucose molecule.

Molecular Formula Questions:
1. Describe the number and types of atoms in a molecule of carbon tetrachloride – CCl4.
The symbol C represents the element carbon. It does not have a subscript so only one carbon atom is present.
The symbol Cl represents the element chlorine. It has a subscript of four, representing four atoms of chlorine.
2. Describe the number and types of atoms in a molecule of PF5.
The symbol P represents the element phosphorous. It does not have a subscript so only one phosphorous atom is present.
The symbol F represents the element fluorine. It has a subscript of five, representing five atoms of fluorine. The name of this molecule is phosphorous penta fluoride.
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