Kelvin to Fahrenheit Formula
Kelvin and Fahrenheit are temperature scales. A temperature scale is developed to measure temperature quantitatively though different patterns or standards. They are common in science, industry and daily life. Different scales have been developing at different years.
The Fahrenheit scale was developed by the German scientist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724 and it has evolved during the time. In general, in this scale the freezing temperature of water is 32 °F while the boiling temperature of water is 212 °F.
The Kelvin scale was developed in the century XIX by the Ireland physicist William Thomson. It is an extension of the Celsius degree, which consider the 0 °C as 273 K (notice that Kelvin is the only scale with a unit that does not use °). It is the unit of the International system for temperatures, although it is not largely used in daily life and it has remained as a scale for science purposes.
Formula and structure: The conversion between scales is very used, particularly because different countries use different scales. The conversions use a general formula that can be easily remembered.
From Kelvin to Fahrenheit °F = K x 9/5 - 459.67
From Fahrenheit to Kelvin K = (°F + 459.67) x 5/9
In a sunny day, the temperature of the lake can reach the 112 °F. What would be the temperature in Kelvin scale?
To Fahrenheit to Kelvin K = (°F + 459.67) x 5/9
K = (112 + 459.67) x 5/9 = 317.59 K
The temperature of a cold juice is around 278 K, what is the temperature in Fahrenheit?
From Kelvin to Fahrenheit °F = K x 9/5 - 459.67
°F = 278 x 9/5 - 459.67 = 40.73 °F
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