Weather Stations Facts

Weather Stations Facts
A weather station is a device that is able to measure a variety of meteorological elements such as temperature, rain, wind, air pressure, humidity, solar radiation and more depending on the type of weather station. There are several different types of weather stations including wireless weather stations, home weather stations, professional weather stations, and digital weather stations. Weather stations can be placed aboard dedicated ships, buoys, and on buildings and homes. They can be used for personal purposes such as entertainment, or for scientific research, as well as for forecasting the weather and storm warning purposes.
Interesting Weather Stations Facts:
Weather stations usually have a thermometer for measuring the temperature of the air or the surface of the sea.
Weather stations usually have a barometer for measuring the pressure in the atmosphere.
Weather stations usually have a hygrometer for measuring the relative humidity in the atmosphere.
Anemometers are usually present on weather stations to measure the speed of wind.
Pyranometers are usually present on weather stations to measure the level of solar radiation.
Weather stations usually have a rain gauge for measuring liquid precipitation over a specific time period.
Snow gauges are sometimes found on weather stations to measure the amount of snow in a specific time period.
Some weather stations also have sensors that measure the rain falling at the present time. They may also have a disdrometer that is capable of measuring drop size distribution, a transmissometer to measure visibility in real time, and a ceilometer to measure the cloud ceiling. These are found more often at automated airport weather stations.
Some weather stations are used for measuring the moisture in the soil, temperature in the soil, ultraviolet index, leaf moisture, and the temperature in various water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and ponds.
Weather stations are designed to protect certain instruments while allowing others to be exposed to the elements, such as allowing a rain gauge to get wet but keeping a thermometer dry.
Weather stations are found on buoys in lakes and oceans all over the world. They are able to transmit data pertaining to weather conditions that is used by meteorologists all over the world.
Weather stations aboard buoys are replacing many of the weather ships as they are less expensive to operate. Weather buoys can be stationary or drifting.
Many weather stations today do not rely on people to report the data as it is sent automatically to a central location and analyzed and reported from there.
Owners of home weather stations can register their instruments so that the data is collected and sent to a weather network.
The United States has several weather networks set up for weather station data collection including the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program, the Michigan Automated Weather Network and the Georgia Environmental Monitoring Network, as well as several more.
Global networks for collecting weather station data include the Weather Underground Personal Weather Stations and Citizen Weather Observer program.
Weather stations provide information about a variety of weather phenomena which can be more helpful than information from single instruments.

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