Spencer Gulf Facts

Spencer Gulf Facts
Spencer Gulf is located on Australia's southern coast, at the westernmost region of two inlets. It was first explored in 1802 by Matthew Flinders, who subsequently named it Spencer's Gulph after the second Earl Spencer, George John Spencer. By 1830 Port Lincoln became a settlement and whaling vessel base. Spencer Gulf is 200 miles in length and 80 miles wide at its mouth.
Interesting Spencer Gulf Facts:
To the west of Spencer Gulf is Eyre Peninsula and to its east is the Yorke Peninsula.
The Yorke Peninsula separates Spencer Gulf from Gulf St Vincent.
Islands that can be found in Spencer Gulf include Curlew Island, Weeroona Island, Shag Island, Entrance Island, Bird Islands, Lipson Island, Tumby Island, and several more.
There are several harbor and port developments under proposal for the regions in Spencer Bay because of its proximity to many mineral deposits that have been identified.
There is one thermal seawater desalination plant drawing water from Spencer Gulf, as well as one reverse osmosis plant.
The South Australian government as declared four aquatic reserves along Spencer Gulf including Blanche Harbour-Douglas Bank Aquatic Reserve, Goose Island Aquatic Reserve, Whyalla-Cowleds Landing Aquatic Reserve, and Yatala Harbour Upper Spencer Gulf Aquatic Reserve.
There are five marine parks in Spencer Gulf, which prohibit fishing in Sanctuary Zones.
Spencer Gulf is also home to terrestrial reserves and three important bird areas. The 180 square mile Spencer Gulf Important Bird Area is located on the gulf's north-eastern shore. It is made up of mudflats, salt marshes, and mangroves, and protects shorebird habitats.

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