Edward Jenner Facts

Edward Jenner Facts
Edward Jenner, FRS ( 17 May 1749 to 26 January 1823) was an English physician and scientist who was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine.
Interesting Edward Jenner Facts:
Jenner was the eighth of nine children born to Reverend Stephen Jenner, the vicar of Berkeley.
His father's position allowed Jenner to receive a good education.
In 1763 he was apprenticed to a surgeon, Mr Daniel Ludlow where he learned his craft.
In 1770 he was apprenticed in surgery and anatomy at St George's Hospital.
Jenner contributed papers on angina pectoris, ophtalmia, cardiac disease and cowpox to the Gloucestershire Medical Society.
1788 Jenner was elected Fellow of the Royal Society for his publication of a study of the nested cuckoo.
In 1792 Jenner earned his MD from University of St Andrews.
Inoculation was already in use but involved actual smallpox and carried serious risk.
British and German scientists had used cowpox vaccine to protect against smallpox but it wasn't until Jenner's work in the 1790's that the mechanism was understood.
His unique contribution was that subsequent to inoculation of his 23 test subjects with cowpox he challenged their immunity with exposure to smallpox.
He was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1802.
In 1821 he was given the great honor of being appointed Physician Extraordinary to King George IV.
In 1840 the British government banned inoculation with smallpox and provided free vaccination with cowpox.
He continued his study of birds and in 1823 he presented his "Observations on the Migration of Birds" to the Royal Society.

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