Salt Water Facts

Salt Water Facts
Salt water is water that contains roughly 3.5% salt. It is found in the world's oceans and seas, as well as in smaller amounts in brackish water. Salt content in water can differ within the same body of water. It is less salty where fresh water runoff mixes into the ocean or sea, typically from a river or melting glacier. Some salt water is much saltier, as is in the case of the Red Sea, due to higher evaporation of water and lower fresh water runoff. The sodium in salt water is believed to have leached from the ocean floor when it was being formed, while chloride originates from the hydrothermal vents and volcanoes from the interior of the planet. Some of the salt in salt water is also believed to come from water washing it from land and rocks into the ocean.
Interesting Salt Water Facts:
The first scientist known to have tried to determine the origins of the salt in salt water was Sir Edmond Halley, in 1715. He theorized that salt was washed from the ground by rainfall and carried to the sea.
While small amounts of salt water won't hurt someone, relying on it for hydration is a deadly mistake. The body must eliminate salt using more water than can be ingested from salt water. Salt water is too salty for the kidneys to handle, and the body will shut down.
It is possible to remove salt from salt water, making it drinkable. Some boats are equipped with devices that can remove salt from ocean water, making it possible to survive without having to take bottled water along on trips.
Although humans cannot survive drinking salt water, many creatures in the oceans and seas rely on salt water for their existence.
70% of the world is covered in salt water. This makes salt water ecosystems the largest on earth.
It is estimated that almost 50% of all known species on earth are supported by salt water ecosystems. It is believed that there may be millions more species in the oceans that have not yet been discovered.
Salt water provides almost half of the oxygen on the planet. Salt water ecosystems take carbon and turn it into oxygen.
Many people don't realize how important the health of the oceans is to our planet's oxygen supply. The oceans are as important as the forests in this regard.
Climate change, overfishing, oil spills, pollution, and natural disasters can negatively affect the salt water ecosystems in the oceans.
Only 1% of the salt water ecosystems are protected which could lead to the extinction of 50% of the species relying on salt water to survive.
Fish that live in salt water will die in fresh water and vice versa.
Salt water does not freeze at the same temperature as fresh water. Because of the higher density of salt water the temperature must be even lower in order for it to freeze.
Some areas where freshwater and saltwater meet have water called brackish water. It is possible to find both salt water and fresh water species in these waters sometimes.

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