Tansy Facts

Tansy Facts
Tansy is herbaceous plant that belongs to the sunflower family. It originates from temperate parts of Europe and Asia, but its geographic distribution has been expanded greatly in the past few centuries. Tansy grows on the well-drained, sandy soil. It can be found in the fields, pastures, hedgerows and in the areas near the roads and streams. Tansy was very popular and often used as herbal remedy in the past. Due to high content of alkaloids in the leaves and flowers, tansy is mostly cultivated in ornamental purposes today.
Interesting Tansy Facts:
Tansy has erect, leafy stem that branches in the upper part and grows to the height of 1 to 3 feet.
Tansy has compound, fern-like leaves composed of around 7 pairs of leaflets that are composed of yet smaller leaflets with serrated edges. Leaves are green-colored and alternately arranged on the stem.
Tansy produces yellow flowers arranged in flat-topped terminal clusters that resemble the buttons (hence the nickname "golden buttons"). Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs and emit scent that resembles blend of camphor and rosemary.
Tansy blooms from July to September. Flowers attract butterflies, moths and bees that are responsible for the pollination of this plant.
Fruit of tansy is many-ringed achene.
Tansy propagates via seeds and rhizome.
Word "tansy" is derived from Greek word "Athanaton" which means "immortal". Name refers to the long-lasting flowers of tansy and obsolete usage of its leaves for the preservation of meat and other perishable goods, as well as for embalming.
Tansy was used for the preparation of wreaths and shrouds for the funerals in the past. Dry flowers of tansy are still popular and often used for the preparation of floral arrangements today.
Ancient Greeks have recognized medicinal properties of tansy. This plant was mostly used in treatment of intestinal worms, fever, indigestion and rheumatism in the past. Tansy was also used as a facial wash due to belief that it purifies and lightens the skin.
Tansy is mostly used in treatment of common cold, fever, fungal, bacterial and viral infections, stress, anxiety, allergy and for the stimulation of the secretion of endocrine hormones in the body today.
Despite numerous beneficial effects, tansy needs to be used cautiously due to high content of alkaloids in this plant that can induce abortion, damage of liver and brain, and convulsions of the body (when tansy is consumed in great quantity). Toxic effects of tansy can be also seen in the livestock.
Tansy was used as ingredient of omelets, puddings and biscuits in England in the past.
Tansy naturally repels insects such as mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, fleas and ticks.
Flowers of tansy can be used as a source of golden-yellow dye.
Tansy is perennial plant (life span: more than 2 years).

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