Penstemon Facts

Penstemon Facts
Penstemon is deciduous or semi-evergreen plant that belongs to the plantain family. There are 275 species of penstemon. All species except one (which grows in East Asia) originate from North America. Pentstemon can be found around the world today. It prefers semi-arid and arid areas and usually inhabits open forests and scrublands. Pentstemon grows on the poor, well-drained rocky or sandy soil, exposed to direct sunlight or in a partial shade. It tolerates cold weather, drought, fire and increased acidity and alkalinity of the soil. People cultivate pentstemon in ornamental purposes.
Interesting Penstemon Facts:
Pentstemon grows as herbaceous plant or dwarf shrub. It has erect stem that can reach 4 to 118 inches in height. Bottom part of the mature plant is often woody.
Pentstemon produces simple, lanceolate, linear or narrow leaves with entire or toothed edges. Leaves are green and oppositely arranged on the stem.
Pentstemon produces tubular or funnel-shaped flowers. They can be gathered in whorls along the flowering stem or arranged in simple, raceme inflorescence on top of the stem. Color of the flowers depends on the cultivar. It can be yellow, white, red, magenta, pink, purple, blue or violet. Individual flowers consist of upper and bottom lip divided in two (upper lip) and three lobes (bottom lip). Pentstemon flowers are perfect (they contain both types of reproductive organs).
Pentstemon blooms from May to August. Flowers are rich source of nectar which attracts bees, bumblebees, butterflies, moths, flies and hummingbirds, that are responsible for the pollination of these plants.
Fruit of pentstemon is capsule. Ripe capsule splits to release numerous small seed.
Pentstemon propagates via seed.
Name "pentstemon" originates from Greek language. It means "five" (penta) "stamens" (stamon). Name refers to the number of stamens that can be found in each flower.
Pentstemon is also known as "beardtongue" due to hairy, sterile stamen (called staminode) which looks like a tongue located in the center of the lip-shaped flowers.
Seed and leaves of pentstemon represent important source of food for deer, antelopes and wild birds. Bushes of penstemon are also used as ideal shelter for the small birds.
Several varieties of pentstemon are cultivated as food for cattle.
Strong root system of pentstemon can be used to prevent erosion of the soil.
Native Americans used root of pentstemon in treatment of toothache and painful injuries, and to prevent inflammation and accelerate healing of the open wounds.
Native Americans also used pentstemon to accelerate healing of flesh wounds and broken bones in animals.
Pentstemon is extremely popular in horticulture. These plants are especially widespread in the European gardens. Hundreds of cultivars of pentstemon have been created since the beginning of the 19th century.
Pentstemon is perennial plant, which means that it can survive more than 2 years in the wild.

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