Deadly nightshade Facts

Deadly nightshade Facts
Deadly nightshade is a flowering plant that belongs to the nightshade family. Closest relatives of the plants are potato, tomato, eggplant and chili peppers. Deadly nightshade is native to Europe, Southwest Asia and Northwest Africa. It grows in woodlands, scrublands, rocky hillsides and steep cliffs. Deadly nightshade prefers well-drained soils rich in nitrogen and limestone. It grows in the shade. Deadly nightshade is best known by its toxic properties.
Interesting Deadly nightshade Facts:
Deadly nightshade is herbaceous plant that can grow to the height of 5 feet. Purple (or reddish) stem is covered with short hairs.
Deadly nightshade has thick, white root that is usually 6 inches long.
Deadly nightshade has long, ovate leaves. They are green colored and have smooth texture. Leaves are alternately arranged or grouped in pairs composed of two leaves of uneven size.
Deadly nightshade develops bell-shaped and purple colored flowers. Individual flowers grow in the axils of leaves.
Deadly nightshade blooms from June to September. Main pollinators of the flowers are honeybees and bumblebees.
Fruit of deadly nightshade are black or purple berries. They contain sweet, black juice.
Birds and water disperse seed of deadly nightshade.
All parts of deadly nightshade contain tropane alkaloids (group of toxic chemicals) that induce strong hallucinations, delirium, blurred vision, headache and loss of balance (among other symptoms). One leaf or 2 to 5 berries contain enough toxins to kill an adult man. Root of the plant contains the greatest amount of toxins.
Deadly nightshade is known as belladonna, which means "beautiful lady" in Italian. Unusual name of the plant originates from old habit of Italian women to use eye drops made of deadly nightshade to dilate pupils and produce seductive gaze.
Deadly nightshade is also known as Devil's Cherries, Naughty Man's Cherries, Divale, Devil's Herb and Dwayberry.
Despite high content of toxins in the plant, pheasant, sheep, rabbits, and hares eat deadly nightshade without visible side effects.
Scopolamine (hyoscine) and atropine are two main alkaloids isolated from deadly nightshade. They are widely used in pharmaceutical and medical industry. Atropine is used as an antidote for poisoning induced by organophosphates, to dilate pupils during the eye surgery and in treatment of hypertension (it lowers blood pressure). Hyoscine is used as anesthetic, in treatment of major depressive disorders and to prevent motion sickness.
Early humans were using deadly nightshade to prepare poison arrows. Ancient Romans were using deadly nightshade to eliminate enemy troops. Before the Medieval period, deadly nightshade was used as anesthetic during the surgeries.
According to the legend, witches were preparing ointment made of belladonna and opium poppy to lubricate brooms and facilitate flying.
Deadly nightshade is perennial plant (life span: more than two years in the wild).

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