Iodine Facts

Iodine Facts
Iodine (I) has an atomic number of fifty-three, with fifty-three protons in the nucleus of an atom. It is a blue-black non-metal that plays a very important in organic chemistry.
Interesting Iodine Facts:
Iodine was discovered in 1811 by Barnard Courtois.
He named it iodine from the Greek word "iodes" which means violet.
Iodine is fairly rare in both the Earth's crust and in the solar system.
Iodine is the 47th most abundant element in the solar system.
It is the 60th most common element in the Earth's crust.
Iodine is very soluble in water and is found more abundantly in the ocean and in brine at 0.04 parts per million.
It is a blue-black solid.
Iodine readily forms compounds with a large number of other elements.
Iodine plays a very important role in the biology of all living organisms.
The higher mammals use it build the thyroid hormones.
Even as a trace element, it is the heaviest element organisms need.
There are thirty-seven known isotopes of iodine, but only one of them is stable.
The most stable radioactive isotope is I-129, which has a 15.7 million year half-life.
There is an extinct radioactive isotope of iodine, I-129.
This radioisotope is only known because of its offspring product, Xenon-129.
Most iodine production in the world comes from either the caliche in Chile, or the extraction from oil field brines around the US and Japan.
The gas fields of Japan and the US contain brine at a deep depth, causing the temperature to be ideal for the extraction of natural iodine.
Iodine can be extracted from ocean water using electrolysis, but it is not common due to the abundance of iodine in the easier to use brine.
Most iodine produced each year is used in livestock feed.
Iodine is also necessary for the production of acetic acid, another major commercial use of iodine.
Iodine is probably most well-known for its use as a disinfectant.

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