Cama Facts

Cama Facts
Cama is hybrid animal created by crossbreeding dromedary (one-humped) camel from Asia with South American llama. Despite differences in size, morphology and geographic distribution, camel and llama are distant relatives. They evolved from the same ancestor - camelid species that lived 30 million years ago in the area of Rocky mountains in the North America. First cama was born in the United Emirates in 1998. Creation of the new type of camelid is described as miracle due to 30 million years of genetic isolation of camel and llama.
Interesting Cama Facts:
Cama can reach 49 to 57 inches in height (at the shoulder) and 180 to 1.000 pounds of weight.
Cama is covered with soft fur that is slightly shorter than the fleece of llama.
Cama has short ears, long tail and cloven hooves. It doesn't have hump on the back.
Cama is a herbivore. Its diet is based on various types of shrubs. Just like camel, cama can drink large quantities of water at once and survive long periods of time without it.
Cama was created by crossbreeding male camel with female llama. Mixing of male llama and female camel proved to be unsuccessful.
Cama was created via artificial insemination due to great differences in the size of camel and llama (camel is 6 times heavier than llama).
Intrauterine development of cama lasts 343 days, just like in llama (335 to 360 days). Compared with baby llama (22 pounds) and baby camel (66 pounds), baby cama is very small and weighs only 11 pounds at birth.
Boy Rama and girl Kamilah, first two camas, are in between the size of camel and llama, but they differ in temper. Rama was boastful and full of itself during the early age (it became more gentle later), while Kamilah was described as very shy.
Cama vocalizes like camel.
Goal of mixing of camel and llama was to create large and strong animal with cooperative temper that can be used as a pack animal in harsh desert climate.
Another, equally important purpose, was to create animal that can produce great quantity of soft fleece.
Many farmers in America use llamas (instead of dogs) for guarding of cattle. Due to low number of camas in the world, these animals are still not used in herding purposes.
Llama and camel have the same number of chromosomes (74). Even number of chromosomes results in equal division of genetic material during gametogenesis, which is essential for the successful fertilization.
By the 2008 5 camas have been artificially created. Rama reached sexual maturity at the age of 4 years and showed desire to mate with female llamas and guanacos. Mating of two camas and production of offspring have not been recorded yet.
Experts estimate that an average lifespan of cama is probably 30 to 40 years.

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