Pax Romana Facts

Pax Romana Facts
Pax Romana refers to the time period of 27 BC to 180 AD when the Roman Empire is considered to have been fairly peaceful. Pax Romana is Latin for 'Roman peace', and because this peace was established by Augustus, this time period is also referred to as Pax Augusta. What makes Pax Romana miraculous is that there had never been a time period of peace that lasted as long as this one did. Pax Romana lasted roughly 200 years, depending on the reference, and the peace extended from England, to Morocco, to Iraq. Pax Romana began when Augustus (given name Octavian), the nephew of Julius Caesar, became the ruler of the Roman Empire. The last peaceful ruler during Pax Romana was Marcus Aurelia. When his son became ruler the peaceful reign came to an end.
Interesting Pax Romana Facts:
The first ruler during Pax Romana, and the emperor responsible for its beginning was Octavian, the nephew of Julius Caesar.
When Julius Caesar died, Mark Antony tried to stop Octavian from becoming the next leader. Octavian won the struggle and became the new leader, and was given the holy name Augustus.
Augustus ruled for 41 years. During this time he helped the Roman Empire prosper. He had a difficult time convincing the Romans that life without warfare could be prosperous. This was achieved through propaganda.
Rome's famous Pantheon was built during Pax Romana.
During Pax Romana Livy, Ovid, Virgil, and Horace wrote some of the era's most famous literary works, including masterpieces of poetry.
One emperor that ruled during Pax Romana was not well-liked, and was assassinated for his bizarre and cruel behaviour. His name was Caligula and it was own guards that killed him.
During Pax Romana there were leaders known as the Five Good Emperors. They were Emperor Nerva, Emperor Trajan, Emperor Hadrian, Emperor Antoninus Pius, and Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
During Pax Romana the wealthy Romans had lavish homes and slaves. Poor people lived in poverty, despite all of the wealth of the Roman Empire.
Wealthy Romans consumed strange food sometimes, including jellyfish, ostrich, and peacock. When they ate too much they would make themselves sick so that they could eat more.
Romans liked to use public baths to do more than just bathe. They used the public baths as a place to relax, exercise, and socialize.
During Pax Romana the Roman Empire was able to focus on life outside of war. This allowed for the further development of agriculture, the arts, and science, as well as technology.
The first record of the term Pax Romana was made in 55 AD by Seneca the Younger, who used the term in his writings.
Prior to Pax Romana there hadn't been a peaceful period longer than twelve years for more than 4.5 centuries.
Ancient Romans liked their entertainment, often held in arenas known as coliseums. Popular sports included gladiator fights, and chariot races, as well as events that resulted in the death of people, became popular.
At the end of Pax Romana, tribes were beginning to attack on the frontiers of the Roman Empire.

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