Gneiss Facts

Gneiss Facts
Gneiss (pronounced "nice") is a type of metamorphic rock that forms when a sedimentary or igneous rock is exposed to extreme temperatures and pressure. When this happens, virtually no traces of the original rock remain. Gneiss rocks are characterized by their arrangement of minerals into long bands.
Interesting Gneiss Facts:
Gneiss is distinctive among other rocks that have bands because its minerals are not evenly distributed so the bands are various widths.
Under appropriate conditions, gneiss can be recrystallized into granite.
There is gneiss in Canada that date back 4 billion years.
Gneiss is so abundant on the lower level of the Earth's crust that if you drill anywhere on the surface, you will eventually strike gneiss.
Gneiss is said to be a German word meaning sparkling or bright.
Gneiss rock is further characterized by its alternating light and dark bands of minerals.
Gneiss forms from volcanic rock, shale, or granitic.
Quartz is typically abundantly found in gneiss.
The bands that form on gneiss rock are due to the various rocks that are a part of its make-up.
The use of the word gneiss dates back to the mid-1700s.
Gneiss rocks that originate as sedimentary rock are called paragneiss and those originating as igneous rock are called orthogneiss.
Limestone can change into calcareous gneiss which contains calcium carbonate.
Gneiss and schist are often confused but gneiss has more of a coarse texture and does not cleave.
Some of the oldest rocks found on Earth are gneisses.
Gneiss has also been used to construct buildings and gravestones.

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