Oxygen Cycle Facts

Oxygen Cycle Facts
Oxygen is an element that is very important to living organisms. It is created and used in different ways. The oxygen cycle shows these processes. The oxygen cycle is often interconnected with the carbon cycle because carbon and oxygen are often combined together in a molecule. The oxygen cycle basically consists of animals who inhale oxygen from the atmosphere and plants that release oxygen in the atmosphere.
Interesting Oxygen Cycle Facts:
Oxygen is basically cycled from plants to animals and then back to plants.
Respiration is the process by which animals breathe in oxygen.
When dead animals decompose, oxygen is used during the process.
The process of rusting, also called oxidation, occurs when oxygen combines with metal.
Without oxygen, fires would not be able to occur.
The majority of oxygen in the atmosphere is created by plants during photosynthesis.
Sometimes atmospheric oxygen is created when the sun reacts with water vapor.
Fish are able to pull out oxygen from water molecules in order to breathe under water.
Phytoplankton are tiny animals that live at the surface of the ocean and provide us with lots of oxygen.
Roughly 21% of the atmosphere is made of oxygen.
The more green plants and trees are cut down, the less supply of oxygen we have.
When plants create oxygen, they combine water with carbon dioxide releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
When humans and other animals inhale oxygen, it combines with carbon from the food we eat and is exhaled as carbon dioxide.
Most oxygen is stored in minerals within the Earth's surface and is unavailable for use.
The sun is made up of roughly 1% oxygen.

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