Abyssinian cat Facts

Abyssinian cat Facts
Abyssinian cat is a type of shorthaired cat. Like other breeds of cats, it originates from African wild cat. Abyssinian cat has been domesticated few thousand years ago, probably in Egypt or in the Southeast Asia (exact origin of Abyssinian cat is unknown). This cat is best known by its intelligence and playful nature. Its short fur does not require regular grooming. Thanks to these features, Abyssinian cats are one of the most popular pets in the world.
Interesting Abyssinian cat Facts:
Abyssinian cat can reach 2 feet in length and 6 to 10 pounds of weight.
Abyssinian cat has short, silky, thick fur that can be silver, golden-brown, cinnamon, blue-gray and light brown color. Coat has mottled appearance due to multi-colored hairs (each hair has light-colored base and dark-colored tip).
Abyssinian cat has broad, wedge-shaped head, large, almond-shaped eyes and large, pointed ears. It has slender body, long, tapering tail and long legs with small, oval paws.
Abyssinian cat has excellent sense of hearing thanks to its large ears.
Abyssinian cat is playful, curious and highly intelligent. It likes to run, climb and explore its surroundings. It is very agile and able to jump 6 feet up in the air.
Abyssinian cats should be kept in large apartments or houses with backyard, because of their curious nature and constant urge to explore and move.
Abyssinian cat requires constant attention and plenty of love. In return, it is very loyal and ready to entertain its owners all day long. Abyssinian cat can be easily trained to walk on the leash and perform various tricks.
Abyssinian cat requires constant stimulation via various games, puzzle toys, ping-pong balls, bottle caps and teasers. Otherwise, it becomes depressive or destructive (as a result of boredom).
Abyssinian cat tolerates dogs, but it prefers to be the only cat in the house.
Abyssinian cat is not good as a show pet because it becomes shy in front of the strangers and other cats.
Abyssinian cat gives birth to 6 kittens on average. Kittens are dark-colored at birth. They attain adult coloration after couple of months.
Abyssinian cats were brought to Europe at the end of 19th century. First Abyssinian cat arrived from Ethiopia, or "Abyssinia", as it was called back then, hence the name "Abyssinian cat".
Ancient Egyptians believed that Abyssinian cats were related to Gods. They've worshiped Abyssinian cats because of their excellent hunting skills and ability to eliminate pest from the fields.
Abyssinian cat has good health, but it can suffer from gingivitis, retinal atrophy, kidney and thyroid gland disorders and anemia.
Abyssinian cat lives from 9 to 15 years on average.

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