Bartolomeu Dias Facts
Bartolomeu Dias Facts
Interesting Bartolomeu Dias Facts: |
Bartolomeu Dias was a member of the royal Portuguese court when he was chosen to head the expedition to find the trade route to India. |
Bartolomeu was also supposed to be searching for a man named Prester John, a supposed Christian King of Ethiopia. The king wished to establish a friendship to enable trade to India. |
Bartolomeu Dias was the sailing master of the man-of-war (warship) San Christovao. |
The expedition to the south of Africa began in the summer of 1487 and lasted for 16 months. |
A terrible storm blew Dias' three ships out to sea and his crew did not spot land for 13 days. |
The food supply on the expedition began to run low and the crew convinced Dias to return to Portugal before reaching their destination of India. |
On the return trip Dias' fleet saw the tip of Africa. They had missed it on the way because of the storm. |
Dias named the tip of Africa ‘Cape of Storms' because of the storm they had encountered when they first sailed past it. |
The king of Portugal changed the name to the ‘Cape of Good Hope' because he believed that its discovery would eventually lead to a route to India via water. |
The king was not happy that Dias and his crew had not reached India and that they had not found Prester John. |
Dias moved to Guinea until the new king Manuel I hired him to oversee the building of the ships for Vasco de Gama's upcoming expedition. |
Dias supervised the construction of two ships in 1494; both would be part of the first successful voyage to India traveling south around the Cape of Good Hope, led by Vasco de Gama. |
After Vasco de Gama's successful expedition, king Manuel I sent a large fleet to India under the command of Pedro Alvares Cabral. |
Bartolomeu Dias' commanded four ships. They first sailed to Brazil, arriving there in March of 1500. |
Their next destination was South Africa, and then India. |
In May of 1500, the fleet's ships met a terrible storm at the place Dias had called the ‘Cape of Storms' (that the king renamed the Cape of Good Hope). |
Bartolomeu Dias' ship sunk in the storm. It was one of four ships in the fleet of 13 ships that sunk. |
Bartolomeu Dias died off the Cape of Good Hope when his ship went down. He never did reach his destination of India. |
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