Vervet monkey Facts

Vervet monkey Facts
Vervet monkeys belong to the group of Old World monkeys. There are five subspecies of vervet monkeys that can be found in East Africa. Vervet monkeys inhabit forests, scrublands and savannas. They prefer areas near the rivers and streams, but they can be also found near human settlements which provide plenty of food. Vervet monkeys are often used in scientific and medical studies. Besides uncontrolled collecting from the wild and hunting (because of their meat), habitat loss and traffic accidents are major threats for the survival of vervet monkeys. Despite these factors, vervet monkeys are still numerous and widespread in the wild (they are not on the list of endangered species).
Interesting Vervet monkey Facts:
Vervet monkey can reach 18 to 26 inches in length and 7 to 17 pounds of weight. Males are larger than females.
Vervet monkey is covered with dark green or silvery-gray fur. It has black face framed with white hairs. Feet, hands and tip of the tail are black colored. Males have turquoise colored testicles and red penises.
Vervet monkey has long arms and legs (that are usually of the same length) and long tail which provides balance on the trees.
Vervet monkey is diurnal animal (active during the day).
Vervet monkey spends almost entire life on the trees (arboreal animal). It is proficient climber and jumper.
Vervet monkey can be rarely seen on the ground. It uses all four extremities to walk and swim.
Vervet monkey is an omnivore (it eats both plants and meat). Its diet is based on leaves, buds, shoots, flowers, fruit, roots, insects, eggs, grubs and small birds.
Vervet monkeys live in groups (troops) of 10 to 50 animals. Each troop consists of adult females and immature offspring. Adult males visit troops from time to time to socialize and reproduce.
Vervet monkeys spend few hours each day in grooming (removal of parasites and dirt from the fur).
Vervet monkeys whistle, scream and produce squealing calls to alert other members of the group about upcoming danger.
Natural enemies of vervet monkeys are leopards, caracals, servals, baboons, pythons, crocodiles and eagles.
Vervet monkeys usually breed from April to June. Pregnancy in females lasts 165 days and ends with one baby. Vervet monkeys have pink face and black fur at birth. Baby spends first week of its life firmly attached to the mother's belly.
Young vervet monkeys enrich milk-based diet with solid food at the age of 4 months (they continue to drink milk until the age of one year). Genetically related females often take part in rearing of the infants.
Vervet monkeys are playful creatures. Young monkeys like to wrestle and test their own stability by pushing each other from the branches.
Vervet monkey can survive 12 years in the wild and up to 24 years in the captivity.

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