Squirrel monkey Facts

Squirrel monkey Facts
Squirrel monkey is one of the smallest members of the primate group. There are five species of squirrel monkey that can be found in Central and South America. Squirrel monkeys live in dense tropical rainforests, wetlands, marshes and mangrove forests. Habitat loss is the main threat to the survival of squirrel monkeys. As a result of increased agriculture and shrinking of the territory of squirrel monkeys, they frequently invade plantations. Farmers kill squirrel monkeys to prevent damaging of the crops. Out of five species, two are listed as vulnerable (they can become endangered in the near future).
Interesting Squirrel monkey Facts:
Squirrel monkey is small in size. Males are bigger than females. On average, they can reach 9.8 to 14 inches in height and 1.7 to 2.4 pounds in weight.
Body of squirrel monkeys is covered with fur that is mostly olive or grey in color. Their face, ears and throat are white. Mouths are black. Backs and extremities are covered with yellow-orange fur.
Long tail of squirrel monkeys is not prehensile, but it provides balance when they move through the treetops.
Squirrel monkeys are arboreal (they live on the trees) animals. They spend 99% of their lives in the trees.
Squirrel monkeys are omnivores. They eat different types of flowers, leaves, buds, nuts, insects, lizards and eggs.
Squirrel monkeys have excellent eyesight and they are able to distinguish colors. This feature facilitates quick identification of fruit among dense vegetation.
Squirrel monkeys are one of the cleverest monkeys. They have very large brains compared to their body size.
Squirrel monkeys live in large groups called "troops". Troop may consist of up to 500 members, but it is usually smaller, composed of 40 to 50 members.
Communication inside the troop is accomplished via 25 to 30 different calls. Squirrel monkeys produced different sounds when they are searching for food, during the mating season and when they are threatened.
Squirrel monkeys spread urine on their hands and feet to mark their path when they are moving through the treetops. By following the scent, other members of the group can locate each other.
Due to their small size, squirrel monkeys are easy prey of birds of prey and snakes.
Squirrel monkeys mate from January to March. Males fight with each other to gain opportunity to mate.
Pregnancy in females lasts five months and ends with one baby. Babies are born during the rainfall season because food supplies are the most abundant at that time.
Female takes care of the baby on her own. Baby will spend first couple of weeks on the mother's backs. At the age of 10 months, they become independent and able to fend for themselves.
Squirrel monkey can survive 15 year in the wild and 20 years in captivity.

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