Spectacled Bear Facts

Spectacled Bear Facts
Spectacled bear is the only species of bears that lives in South America. It can be found in Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and Bolivia. Spectacled bear inhabits cloud forests at high altitudes, but it can be seen in various other habitats (scrubland, grassland, humid and arid forests…) when it searches for food. Spectacled bear is threatened by habitat loss and by killing because of the fur, meat and body parts (used in traditional Asian medicine). Exact number of remaining spectacled bears in the wild is unknown, but it decreases rapidly. These animals are listed as vulnerable, which means that they could soon become endangered.
Interesting Spectacled Bear Facts:
Spectacled bears can reach 5 to 6 feet in length and weigh up to 340 pounds. Males are almost two times bigger than females.
Body of spectacled bear is covered with black or reddish-brown fur. Patches of creamy fur can be seen on the chest, throat and around eyes. Pale marks around eyes look like spectacles, which is why these animals are called "spectacled" bears.
Each spectacled bear has unique creamy markings which facilitate identification of individuals in the wild.
Spectacled bear has muscular body and round head with short snout and strong jaws.
Front limbs of spectacled bear are longer than hind limbs and equipped with sharp claws which are used for climbing. Despite being large, spectacled bear is fast and agile climber.
Spectacled bear spends majority of time on the trees. It builds a platform out of the branches and twigs and uses it for sleeping and eating.
Spectacled bear is diurnal animal (active during the day).
Spectacled bear is an omnivore (it consumes both plants and animals). Its diet consists of various plants (bromeliads, palms, cacti…), berries, honey, fruit, eggs, insects, small birds and mammals.
Main predators of spectacled bears are mountain lions and jaguars.
Spectacled bear is solitary creature that occasionally gathers with other spectacled bears when food is abundant.
Spectacled bears live in warm climate that provides enough food throughout the whole year. Because of that, spectacled bears don't hibernate.
Mating season of spectacled bears lasts from March to October.
Pregnancy in females lasts between 5.5 and 8.5 months and ends with one to three cubs. Young bears are blind until the 42nd day. They completely depend on their mother during the first few months of their life. Mother sometimes carries her cubs in her front paws while walking on the hind feet.
Young bears will learn all skill required for successful survival from their mother. They usually leave mother after one or two years, when they are old enough to begin independent life. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 to 8 years.
Spectacled bears can survive up to 38 years in captivity. They live much shorter in the wild.

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