Sand diver Facts

Sand diver Facts
Sand diver is a type of fish that belongs to the lizardfish family. It can be found in the subtropical waters of Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Sand diver lives on the sandy bottom near the coral reefs, in the bays and estuaries, on a depth from 125 to 1.050 feet. These fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts because of their unusual life habits and colorful bodies. Major threats for the survival of sand divers in the wild are destruction of the coral reefs and pollution of the sea. Despite these factors, population of sand divers is still large and stable.
Interesting Sand diver Facts:
Sand diver can reach 16 inches in length and 2.2 pounds of weight.
Dorsal side of the body is brownish-gray in color. Black blotches can be seen on the shoulders, reddish vertical bars cover the back, while thin, yellow lines stretch along lateral sides of the body. Bottom parts of the body are white colored.
Intensity of the coloration of the body depends on the environment. Sand diver can become darker or paler colored to blend with its surroundings.
Sand diver has slender, elongated body and lizard-like mouth. Its head is covered with scales. Thanks to these features, sand diver is also known as "lizard fish".
Eyes of sand diver have iridescent layer which prevents damage of ocular structures after exposure to the bright light.
Sand diver has wide mouth filled with numerous, needle-like teeth arranged in several rows in the upper and lower jaw, on tongue and palate.
Scientific name of the species "Synodus intermedius" refers to the fused teeth that can be seen in sand diver ("syn" = "grown together", "odous" = "teeth").
Sand diver is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on various species of fish and invertebrates.
Sand diver is an ambush predator (it hunts the prey using the element of surprise). When prey approaches close enough, sand diver grabs it in a blink of an eye.
Sand diver spends its life on the ocean floor (bottom dweller). Name "sand diver" refers to the fact that it usually lays buried in the sand with only head exposed.
Sand diver occasionally rests on top of the sandy or reef structures.
Sand divers are often found in the groups of five or more fish.
Little is known about reproduction of sand divers. Mating season usually takes place during the summer and fall. Males and females release their reproductive cells directly into the water. Sand divers do not show parental care. Eggs are left on their own until they hatch.
Transparent larvae emerge from the eggs. They have gut covered in black blotches that are visible thanks to their see-through skin. Sand divers swim freely until the end of the larval stage.
Lifespan of sand diver is unknown.

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