Sambar deer Facts

Sambar deer Facts
Sambar deer is one of the largest members of deer family. There are 7 subspecies of sambar deer that originate from southern and southeastern parts of Asia (Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Cambodia and Thailand). They can be found all over Australia, New Zealand and North America today. Sambar deer inhabit tropical rainforests, evergreen and mixed forests. They live in habitats that provide enough water. Sambar deer are often on a target of hunters because of their beautiful antlers and meat. Also, different parts of their body are used in traditional Asian medicine. Habitat loss (as a result of deforestation) additionally decreases number of sambar deer in the wild. These animals are listed as vulnerable (may become endangered in the near future).
Interesting Sambar deer Facts:
Sambar deer can reach 40 to 63 inches of height at the shoulder, 5.3 to 8.9 inches of length and 220 to 1200 pounds of weight. Females are much smaller than males.
Body of sambar deer is covered with yellowish brown or dark brown coat. Spots and markings can be seen on the lateral sides of the body. Males are darker and develop manes on the neck. Sambar deer have long black tails.
Males have 40 inches long antlers that are divided in three branches. Sambar deer shed their antlers each year.
Sambar deer have excellent senses of hearing and smell which are used mainly for detection of predators.
Sambar deer are either crepuscular (active at dusk and dawn) or nocturnal (active during the night) animals.
Diet of sambar deer includes different types of leaves, bamboo shoots, grass and fruit. Some types of sambar deer consume between 130 and 180 different plant species.
Main predators of sambar deer are leopards, tigers, wolves, dholes and crocodiles. Males use their antlers, while females use their feet to defend against predators.
Sambar deer are excellent swimmers.
Sambar deer are either solitary or live in groups composed of less than 10 members. Groups are usually composed of animals of one gender.
Sambar deer produce barking calls in the case of danger. Males also vocalize loudly to attract females during the mating season.
Males occupy territory of around 1500 hectares, while females live on a territory of 300 hectares. They use urine and scent to mark their territories.
Sambar deer can mate throughout the whole year, but they prefer period from September to January.
Males release smelly substance to attract females. They fight with each other before they get opportunity to mate. One male often mates with more than 6 females.
Pregnancy lasts 8 to 9 months and ends with one baby (rarely two). Baby is born without spots and marks on the body. They appear later in life. Young animal stays with its mother 2 years.
Sambar deer can survive 20 years in the wild and up to 26 years in captivity.

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