Pygmy hog Facts
Pygmy hog Facts
Interesting Pygmy hog Facts: |
Pygmy hog can reach 22 to 28 inches in length and 14.5 to 26 pounds of weight. Males are slightly larger than females. |
Pygmy hog has brownish black skin covered with grey brown coat on dorsal side of the body. Belly is lighter in color. Newly born pygmy hogs are grayish pink colored. Young animals are brown and covered with longitudinal yellow stripes. |
Pygmy hog has narrow, pointed head, streamlined body and short legs. Males have tusks that protrude from the mouth and long hair above the upper lip. They also have dark-colored crest-like hair on their forehead and neck. |
Pygmy hog is diurnal animal (active during the day). |
Pygmy hog spends 6 to 10 hours in search for food and rests only during the hottest part of a day. |
Pygmy hog is an omnivore. It feeds on root, tubers, seed, fruit, grass, insects, eggs and small reptiles. |
Unlike other species of pigs, pygmy hog digs shallow depressions in the ground and covers them with grass. Created dome-shaped nests are used as shelters from the heat and predators. |
Pythons, raptors and large carnivores are main predators of adult pygmy hogs, while crows, small cats and mongooses hunt young hogs. |
Females live in small family groups called sounders that consist of 4 to 6 animals. Males live solitary life. |
One group of pygmy hogs occupies territory of 25 hectares. They communicate via soft grunting sounds. |
Mating season of pygmy hog lasts from November to February. Most babies are born at the beginning of the monsoon season, when food is abundant. |
Males compete for the attention of females. Sideway position of the body, erect crest on the neck and exposed tusks are used to intimidate male competitors. |
Female gives birth to 2 to 6 piglets (usually 3 to 4) after pregnancy of 100 to 120 days. Female separates from the rest of the group to give birth in a nest made of thatch. |
Mother rejoins the group with her babies one week later. Pygmy hogs reach sexual maturity between the first and second year of life. |
Pygmy hog can survive 7 to 8 years in the wild and up to 14 years in the captivity. |
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