Mullet Facts

Mullet Facts
Mullet belongs to the group of ray-finned fish. There are 80 species of mullets that can be found in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters around the world. Most species of mullets inhabit coastal marine waters, but they can be occasionally seen in the estuaries, bays, inlets and rivers (even though fresh water is not essential part of their life cycle). Mullet prefers waters with muddy or sandy bottoms, on a depth of up to 400 feet that offer plenty of food. Mullets are part of human diet for thousands of years. Some species of mullets are endangered due to increased demand for their meat.
Interesting Mullet Facts:
Mullet can reach 2.5 feet in length and 2 to 3 pounds of weight.
Body of mullet is covered with large scales. Upper part of the body can be dark blue, grey or olive-green in color. Lateral sides of the body are silver and covered with several rows of horizontal black stripes. Bottom side of the body is silver or white-colored.
Mullet has small head and triangular-shaped mouth. Teeth are miniature, compact and arranged in several rows. Lower jaw is shaped like a spade.
Mullet has elongated, stocky, torpedo-shaped body, short pectoral fins and forked tail.
Unlike most other types of fish, mullet doesn't have lateral line (organ which detects changes in the water currents).
Mullet belong to the group of ray-finned fish. It has two dorsal fins strengthened with rays. First dorsal fin has 5 sharp spines. Second dorsal fin is equipped with 8 soft rays.
Mullets are bottom-feeders (they feed on the sea floor). Their diet is based on algae, plankton, detritus and various aquatic vegetation.
Mullet is also known as "jumping" or "happy mullet" because it often jumps and vigorously skips across the surface of water. Scientists believe that this unusual behavior increases amount of oxygen in the mullet's body.
Mullets form large schools when they travel from the spawning to the wintering habitats.
Mating season of mullets depends on the geographic location.
Males and females release millions of eggs and sperm cells into the water, where fertilization takes place (external fertilization). Despite huge number of eggs, only few eggs manage to survive and hatch due to huge number of predators in the sea.
Adults often travel away from the shore to breed. Young fish return to the coast when they reach length of 1 inch. Some species of mullets migrate toward the rivers to reproduce.
Mullets reach sexual maturity at the age of two to four years.
Mullets were important source of food for the ancient Romans. These fish are still popular and widely consumed. Due to high demand and increased pollution of the sea, mullets are often cultivated in the ponds.
Mullets can survive up to 16 years in the wild.

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