Masked palm civet Facts

Masked palm civet Facts
Masked palm civet, also known as Himalayan palm civet, is small-sized mammal that belongs to the civet family. It can be found across the Indian subcontinent and in the Southeast Asia. Masked palm civet has the widest geographic distribution of all species of civet and ability to survive in various types of forests: tropical rainforests, jungles, deciduous, evergreen and mixed forests, both in the lowland and in the mountainous regions. Habitat loss as a result of accelerated deforestation, as well as uncontrolled hunting, are the greatest threats for the survival of this species. Despite these factors, masked palm civet is still numerous and widespread in the wild.
Interesting Masked palm civet Facts:
Masked palm civet can reach 16 to 28 inches in length (not including the tail of 15 to 22 inches) and 3 to 10 pounds of weight.
Masked palm civet has short orange-brown or grey-colored fur on the body and black mask on the face with white markings above and under eyes.
Masked palm civet has elongated snout, small round ears, black feet with retractable claws and elongated body with slender tail.
Masked palm civet spends part of its life on the solid ground and other part on the trees (semi-arboreal animal).
Masked palm civet is active during the night (nocturnal). It sleeps in the treetops during the day.
Diet of masked palm civet is based on the rodents, lizards, snakes, insects and frogs. Fruit, flowers and leaves are occasionally on the menu.
Natural enemies of masked palm civets are tigers, leopards, jaguars, hawks, large snakes and crocodiles.
Masked palm civet fights against predators by releasing foul smelling substance from the anal glands. Prominent facial mask serves as a warning sign that this animal can fight back when it is threatened.
Masked palm civet was frequently hunted as a source of food in the past (especially during the Qing Dynasty). Its meat has been used for the preparation of ham. Masked palm civet is still popular among hunters in some areas.
Masked palm civet became widely known to the general audience after the outbreak of SARS. Virus responsible for this respiratory disorder was transmitted to humans via inadequately prepared meat of mask palm civet.
Masked palm civet is solitary creature.
Masked palm civet occupies territory of 0.4 to 0.8 square miles and marks it with a scent from the anal glands.
Mating season of masked palm civet takes place two times per year: early in the spring and late in the autumn.
Female gives birth to 4 babies on average. Male doesn't show parental care. Young masked palm civets grow quickly and reach adult size at the age of 3 months.
Masked palm civet can survive 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in the captivity.

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