Jackrabbit Facts

Jackrabbit Facts
Jackrabbit is a type of small mammal that belongs to the family Leporidae which includes rabbits and hares. There are 5 species of jackrabbit that can be found in central and western parts of North America. They inhabit fields, open grasslands, farms, pastures and wastelands. Jackrabbits were extensively hunted in the past because of their fur and meat. They are sensitive to diseases (such as tularemia) which occasionally drastically reduce size of the population. Luckily, jackrabbits have high reproduction rate and they are able to accomplish previous numerousness after short period of time. Jackrabbits are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Jackrabbit Facts:
Jackrabbit can reach 2 feet in length and from 3 to 9 pounds of weight.
Jackrabbit is covered with dark brown fur with black markings on dorsal side of the body. They have long, black tipped ears. Tail is short, black on the upper side and white on the underside.
Jackrabbits are not rabbits (despite their name). They belong to group of animals called hares. Hares have longer ears, longer hind legs and larger body compared to rabbits. Also, unlike rabbits, hares are born covered with fur.
Jackrabbits are nocturnal creatures (active during the night).
Jackrabbits are herbivores (plant eaters). Their diet is based on grass, sagebrush, cacti and various types of grains.
Jackrabbits are often treated as pests because they quickly destroy crops. They have ferocious appetite and ability to consume one pound of food per day.
Jackrabbits are fast and agile animals. They are able to leap 10 feet and move at the speed of 40 miles per hour. Jackrabbits usually jump in a zigzag manner to confuse the predators and get opportunity to escape.
Jackrabbits have excellent sense of hearing which is used for detection of predators.
Main predators of jackrabbits are coyotes, foxes, wolves, bobcats and large birds of prey such as eagles and hawks.
Jackrabbits use shallow depressions in the ground covered with grass as shelters and hiding places from predators. These depressions are known as "forms".
Jackrabbits thump the ground with hind legs to alarm other animals about potential danger.
Jackrabbits are solitary animals except during the mating season which takes place from February to July. Phrase "as mad as March hare" refers to unusual "boxing" behavior of jackrabbits that is typically seen during the spring. Females use their paws to hit males when they want to avoid copulation.
Female usually produces several litters per year. Each litter consists of one to six babies. Pregnancy in females lasts 45 days.
Jackrabbits show minimal parental care. Nursing period lasts shortly and youngsters begin independent life soon after birth.
Jackrabbits can survive from one to five years in the wild.

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