Golden oriole Facts

Golden oriole Facts
Golden oriole is small songbird that belongs to the oriole family. It can be found in Europe, West Asia and Africa. Golden oriole inhabits woodlands, open forests, river valleys, plantations, parks, orchards and large gardens. This shy bird is rarely seen in the wild because it spends most of the time in the canopy. Major threats for the survival of golden orioles in the wild are habitat destruction (as a result of accelerated deforestation) and loss of breeding areas. Luckily, golden oriole is still numerous and widespread in the wild.
Interesting Golden oriole Facts:
Golden oriole can reach 7.8 to 9.4 inches in height and 0.5 to 0.7 ounces of weight. Males are slightly larger than females.
Sexual dimorphism is very prominent in golden orioles. Males can be recognized by yellow-colored body, black wings and tail and black markings around eyes. Females are duller in color. They have yellowish-green plumage on the back, dark olive to brown-colored wings and brown streaking on the yellowish belly.
Golden oriole has dark red eyes, thick, slightly curved pink bill and wide, clawed feet which facilitate gripping of branches.
Golden oriole has a wingspan of 17 to 18.5 inches. Its strong, direct flight is similar to a flight of thrush.
Golden oriole is active during the day (diurnal bird).
Golden oriole is an omnivore. Its diet is based on fruit, berries, seed, insects (such as bumblebees) and occasionally on small mammals (such as mice).
Golden oriole plays important role in dispersal of seed in the wild.
Golden oriole cannot be easily spotted among the branches and leaves, but it can be easily recognized thanks to its loud, flute-like calls, that travel large distances. Golden oriole uses whistling calls for communication with other golden orioles and harsh, alarm calls to inform nearby birds about potential predators.
Natural enemies of golden orioles are hawks, eagles and other large birds of prey.
Golden oriole migrates toward the wintering grounds in the central and southern parts of Africa at the beginning of the autumn. It usually travels during the night, as a part of large flock.
Golden orioles breed in the temperate parts of the northern hemisphere at the beginning of the spring (usually in April).
Males and females chase each other from tree to tree during the courtship.
Female constructs cup-shaped nest made of moss, lichen and grass in the tree forks and lays 3 to 6 eggs. Incubation period lasts 15 to 18 days. Both parents takes part in the incubation of eggs.
Chicks spend first 20 days of their life in the nest. Both parents provide food for their offspring during this period. Young golden orioles reach sexual maturity at the age of one year.
Golden oriole has an average lifespan of 9 to 10 years.

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