Fat-tailed dunnart Facts

Fat-tailed dunnart Facts
Fat-tailed dunnart is small mammal that belongs to the family of quolls. It can be found all over Australia, except in the certain parts of Victoria. Fat-tailed dunnart inhabits grasslands, scrublands and farmlands. It is adapted to the life in semi-arid areas. Habitat loss due to accelerated development of agriculture is the major threat for the survival of fat-tailed dunnarts. Luckily, these small marsupials are still numerous and widespread in the wild.
Interesting Fat-tailed dunnart Facts:
Fat-tailed dunnart can reach 2.3 to 3.5 inches in length and 0.35 to 0.7 ounces of weight.
Fat-tailed dunnart is covered with dark brown or yellowish-brown fur. Ventral side of the body is white colored.
Fat-tailed dunnart resembles a mouse at the first glance. It has large eyes and ears, pointed mouth with sharp teeth and long, carrot-shaped, swollen tail.
Fat-tailed dunnart is nocturnal animal (active during the night).
Fat-tailed dunnart is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on insects, larvae, small reptiles and amphibians.
Fat-tailed dunnart hunts and eats entire night. It can consume amount of food equal to its own weight. Fat-tailed dunnart finely grinds its prey (thanks to sharp teeth) and absorbs as much nutrients as possible.
Fat-tailed dunnart does not drink water. It obtains all water that it needs from the food.
Fat-tailed dunnart uses fat stored in its tail as a source of energy when food is scarce.
Fat-tailed dunnarts are able to enter torpid state (short period of dormancy) during the day. Torpid state is characterized by decreased body temperature and low metabolic rate. Main purpose of torpid state is conservation of energy. Torpor takes place when outer temperature drops and food becomes scarce. Fat-tailed dunnarts are able to undergo torpor during the periods of development and reproduction. Even lactating females can enter torpid state without harmful effects on their offspring.
Temperature of the body during the torpor can drop to 14.6 degrees of Celsius (34.8 is normal body temperature). Fat-tailed dunnarts often bask in the sun to facilitate rise of body temperature after torpor.
During the cold periods of year, fat-tailed dunnarts and some type of rodents share nests (that are usually located under the rocks, grass tussocks or inside the hollow trees) to prevent loss of body heat.
Fat-tailed dunnart lives solitary life outside the breeding season.
Mating season of fat-tailed dunnarts takes place from July to February. Females produce 2 litters per year.
Pregnancy in females lasts 14 days. Poorly developed babies spend first 70 days of their life in the mother's pouch, where they complete development attached to one of her tits. Female gives birth to 8 to 10 babies, but usually only 5 babies manage to survive to the age of 10 weeks.
Fat-tailed dunnart can survive 15 (males) to 18 months (females) months in the wild.

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