Earwigs Facts

Earwigs Facts
Earwigs are group of insects. There are over 1.700 species of earwigs that can be found all over the world. Earwigs exist on the planet at least 208 million years. They inhabit dark, wet areas that provide shelter and food. Earwigs can be found in the forests, fields, gardens, backyards and homes. They easily enter the buildings through the holes in the walls and occupy kitchens, bathrooms, garages and basements. Earwigs can be also found on the agricultural fields and orchards where they produce minor damage on the commercially important crops and fruit. Most species of earwigs are numerous in the wild.
Interesting Earwigs Facts:
Earwig can reach 0.5 to 3 inches in length.
Earwig has dark brown, reddish-brown or black colored body that has fine texture.
Earwig has long, narrow, flattened body with 3 pairs of legs. Most species have short, leathery forewings and thin hindwings, but they rarely fly. Earwigs are terrestrial animals that crawl on the ground.
Earwig has pair of antennas on the head. They are composed of 10 or more segments. Earwig also has pair of pinchers on the rear end of the body that facilitate capturing the prey and serve as a weapon against predators. Pinchers are straight in females, curved in males.
Earwigs received their name due to false belief that they often occupy ears and lay eggs inside the human brain. Even though they are able to enter the ears, they prefer to stay away from them due to lack of food and moisture in the ear canal.
Earwigs are harmless for the humans. They don't transmit diseases and don't have painful sting.
Earwig is nocturnal creature (active during the night).
Earwig hides during the day inside the hollow trees or under the rocks, leaves and bark.
Earwig likes to eat leaves, flower, fruit, mold and insects. It consumes both fresh and dead plant material.
Earwigs live in large groups. They secrete pheromones that help them locate each other. Earwigs also produce and release foul smelling substance to repel the predators.
Natural enemies of earwigs are birds, insectivorous mammals, lizards, frogs, centipedes and spiders.
Earwigs hibernate during the winter inside 6 to 7 feet deep burrows in the ground.
Mating season of earwigs takes place during the autumn. Female stores the sperm in the body until the spring, when it is used for the fertilization of eggs.
Female lays 3 to 50 eggs that hatch after 7 days. Larva (nymph) emerges from the egg and undergoes 4 to 6 molting sessions before it finally reaches the size of an adult insect. Whole process usually lasts 30 days. Unlike other species of insects, females take care of their offspring until the second molting (earwigs show maternal care).
Earwigs can survive up to one year in the wild.

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