Dolphin Facts

Dolphin Facts
Dolphin Dolphins are one of the most beautiful groups of aquatic mammals. Most dolphin species live in the sea water and can be found in all oceans of the world, and just few species live in the fresh water of Asia and South America. Number of dolphins decreased greatly due to commercial fishing, accidental catch (together with other fish) and because their normal source of food is seriously reduced as a consequence of the global warming. Several dolphin species can become extinct in the near future.
Interesting Dolphin Facts:
Dolphins can range in size from 4-30 feet, and weigh between 90 pounds and 11 tons. Maui's dolphin is the smallest, while orca is the largest species of dolphin.
Dolphins have 100 teeth in their mouth. Despite large number of teeth, they don't chew their food - they swallow their prey in one piece.
All dolphins are carnivores (meat-eaters). Smaller dolphins eat fish and squids, while large dolphins like orca eat seals, sea lions and other type of dolphins and whales.
Dolphins use echolocation to locate the prey and detect predators. They produce clicks that travel through the water and bounce off from each object in front of them. Sound returns back in the form of echo. Dolphin can identify type and size of the object, its speed and location using echolocation.
Besides echolocation, dolphins use whistles, squeaks and squawks to communicate with each other.
Dolphins live in large groups called pods. They are social and very playful animals. They often play with other members of the pod, or even with seaweed.
Even though they like to play, they are very compassionate and they will nurture old or sick members of the pod whenever necessary.
Dolphins breathe atmospheric air using the hole on the top of their head. Some dolphins can't stay longer than 20 seconds under the water, but other can dive up to 30 minutes without returning to the surface of the water to grab some air.
Dolphins need to remain conscious if they want to breathe. Because of that, dolphins can't afford a deep sleep. Instead of deep sleep, dolphins use only one half of their brain when they sleep. Other half keeps them "half conscious".
When they are resting, dolphins swim close to the surface, but when they are wide awake they can dive up to 1000 feet under water.
They can swim up to 25 miles per hours for a long period of time and leap a distance of up to 20 feet.
Dolphins can be seen in various aquariums around the world. They are able to learn a lot of tricks because they have large brain.
Male dolphin is called a bull, female - cow and baby is called a calf.
Pregnancy in dolphins lasts between 11 and 17 months. Females give birth of a calf whose tail appears first. Dolphins are only mammals whose babies come to the world by their tails instead of their heads. Baby dolphin stays with its mother 2-3 years.
Dolphins usually live around 17 years in the wild. Some species may live up to 50 years.

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