Colocolo Facts

Colocolo Facts
Colocolo is a species of wild cat that originates from South America. Until recently, Pampas (Leopardus pajero) and Pantanal cats (Leopardus braccatus) were regarded as subspecies of colocolo (Leopardus colocolo). Based on the fur coloration, cranial measurements and genetic analysis, Pampas and Pantanal cats received status of separate species. Colocolo inhabits subtropical dry forests and spiny shrublands on the altitude from 5.900 to 13.500 feet. These cats were extensively hunted in the past because of their fur. Even though colocolos are protected by law today, number of these animals in the wild is decreasing due to habitat loss. Colocolo is listed as near threatened, which means that it may become endangered in the near future.
Interesting Colocolo Facts:
Colocolo can reach 22 to 26 inches in length and 6.6 pounds of weight. Tail is usually 11 to 13 inches long.
Based on the body coloration and type of habitat they inhabit, colocolos are divided in two subspecies: Leopardus colocolo colocolo and Leopardus colocolo wolffsohni.
Leopardus colocolo colocolo is reddish or dark grey colored. Cinnamon-colored stripes can be seen on the flanks and cheeks. Edges and tips of ears are black. Yellowish-brown stripes cover whitish belly, while black spots cover chest. 4 to 5 reddish bands stretch on the tail.
Leopardus colocolo wolffsohni is also covered with reddish or dark grey fur, but its flanks are covered with reddish-brown spots arranged in the form of rosette. Stripes and spots on the rest of the body are very dark, nearly black colored. Tail is covered with 8 reddish-brown rings.
Colocolo has long, coarse fur. Hairs on dorsal side of the body are especially long. They form erect crest when colocolo is excited or threatened. Erect hairs create impression that cat is much bigger than it actually is.
Colocolo has broad face with short muzzle, large, pointed ears and amber-colored eyes with vertical pupils.
Colocolo has small, but strong body with short, stout legs and short, bushy tail.
Colocolo is an excellent climber, but it spends most of its time on the ground (terrestrial animal).
Colocolo is mostly active during the night (nocturnal animal).
Colocolo is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on rodents (such as guinea pig and viscacha) and ground dwelling birds (such as tinamous).
Colocolo also hunts poultry and nearly hatched penguins and collects eggs from their nests.
Mating season of captive colocolos takes place from April to May.
Little is known about reproductive behavior of colocolos. Female gives birth to one to three kittens after gestation period of 80 to 85 days. Kittens are probably kept in secluded dens until they become strong enough to follow their mother in the hunt.
Colocolo reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2 years.
Colocolo can survive from 9 to 16 years in the captivity.

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