Black bear Facts

Black bear Facts
Black bear is one of the three species of bear that are native to North America. There are 16 subspecies of black bear that can be found in the forests, wetlands, areas near the streams and mountainous regions that provide plenty of food. Black bear is widespread and numerous in all parts of its range except in Mexico where it is locally declared as endangered.
Interesting Black bear Facts:
Black bear can reach 4 to 7 feet in length and 150 to 300 (or rarely up to 500) pounds of weight. Males are much larger than females.
Black bear has brown muzzle and white markings on the chest. Despite its name, black bear can be white, light brown, dark brown, cinnamon, bluish-black or black colored.
Black bear has narrow muzzle, broad skull, small, rounded ears and massive body. Its large paws are equipped with non-retractable claws.
Black bear can easily open the jars and door latches using its skillful front paws.
Black bear has better eyesight and sense of hearing than humans, and 7 times stronger sense of smell than dogs.
Black bear is an omnivore. It likes to eat fruit, acorns, nuts, insects, honey, salmon, small mammals, calves of deer and moose and human garbage.
Black bear is excellent swimmer and agile climber (thanks to its short claws). It usually walks slowly, but it can reach the speed of 25 to 30 miles per hour when needed.
Black bear produces 20 different sounds which reflect 8 different emotional states. Grunting sounds can be heard when black bear is relaxed, and loud, blowing noise when it is scared.
Black bear spends winter in the caves, burrows and other secluded areas. It consumes huge quantities of food during the summer and autumn to build fat reserves that are used as a source of energy during winter hibernation which can last up to 7 months.
Black bear is solitary creature.
Black bear is territorial animal. Males occupy territory of 15 to 80 square miles and use teeth and claws to mark trees on their territory.
Mating season of black bears takes place during the summer (from June to July).
Female produces offspring once every two years. Pregnancy lasts 63 to 70 days and ends with 1 to 6 cubs (2 to 3 on average). Babies are blind and helpless at birth. They remain hidden inside a den until the spring.
Young black bears depend on the mother's milk until the age of 30 weeks, but they stay with their mother much longer, usually until the age of 16 to 18 months. Black bears reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years.
Black bear can survive up to 30 years in the wild (18 years is an average lifespan).

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