Angel shark Facts

Angel shark Facts
Angel shark is a type of marine fish that lives in the Pacific Ocean. It can be found along the coasts of Alaska, California, Mexico, Costa Rica and Chile. There are 15 species of angel shark that differ in size, color and type of habitat. Angel shark prefers warm, tropical waters and it usually inhabits estuaries and bays. It spends majority of time buried in the sand near the coral reefs on the depth of 490 feet. Number of angel sharks dropped significantly in the last couple of decades due to commercial and recreational fishing. These animals are classified as nearly threatened, which means that they may become endangered in the near future. Luckily, commercial fishing is already banned in several North American countries.
Interesting Angel shark Facts:
Angel sharks can reach up to 6.5 feet in length and up to 77 pounds of weight.
Body of angel shark is covered with black, brown, reddish, grey or greenish sandpaper-like skin. They have dark splotches and white spots scattered on the back side of the body. Specific coloration provides ideal camouflage on the sandy floor.
Angel shark has flat body and large pectoral fins. Due to wing-like fins, it looks like a species of rays. Angel shark has two dorsal fins. Anal fin is missing.
Angel shark has a pair of barbels on the snout. Angel shark uses these sensory organs to detect the prey and taste the food.
Angel shark has 5 pairs of gills that are located on the bottom side of the body.
Angel shark has wide mouth and strong jaws equipped with several rows of needle-like teeth.
Angel shark is carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet includes various types of fish, crustaceans, mollusks and squids.
Angel shark is an ambush predator that lays motionless hidden in the sand and waits for the prey to appear. When the prey approaches close enough, angel shark grabs it in a tenth of a second.
Sharks need to swim to breathe. Since angel shark spends great amount of time hidden in the sand (lying motionless), it has spiracles on the top of the head which pump the water through the gills.
Human related attacks are very rare. Angel shark will attack humans only when provoked. Inflicted injuries are painful due to very long and sharp teeth.
Main predators of angel sharks are large species of sharks and humans.
Angel shark is a solitary creature.
Angel sharks usually mate during the spring. Females are ovoviviparous animals, which mean that eggs hatch inside the female's body after pregnancy of 8 to 10 months.
Female can deliver from 8 to 13 babies. Usually only 20% of young angel sharks reach adulthood.
Angel sharks can survive more than 30 years in the wild.

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