African tree toad Facts

African tree toad Facts
African tree toad is small amphibian that belongs to the family of true toads (Bufonidae). There are two subspecies of African tree toad that can be found in the West and Central Africa. African tree toad inhabits subtropical and tropical, lowland forests and moist forests that have been degraded by human activity. Number of African tree toads in the wild is decreasing at high speed due to accelerated habitat loss and pollution of the water and air. Even though exact number of remaining African tree toads is unknown, researchers believe that this species is still numerous and widespread in the wild (it is not on the list of endangered species).
Interesting African tree toad Facts:
African tree toad can reach 1 to 1.5 inches in length and 0.07 to 0.18 ounces of weight.
African tree toad is dark or light brown-colored with black markings on the body and white patches on the belly. Color of the body matches with the colors of its surroundings and provides camouflage.
African tree toad has small body and long legs with partially webbed feet.
African tree toad has elongated, thin toes with large, sticky discs on the tips. Toes are widely separated to facilitate gripping of large surface area and climbing on the trees
African tree toad spends most of its life in debris on the ground (terrestrial species). It moves either by hopping or crawling on the ground.
Unlike other species of toad, African tree toad can be often seen in the water outside the breeding season. Partially webbed feet are adaptation to the semi-aquatic lifestyle.
African tree toad is active during the day (diurnal animal). It climbs on the trees and hides in the treetops during the night to avoid predators.
African tree toad is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on different types of insects, worms and spiders.
African tree toad is an ambush predator (it hunts by using the element of surprise). It silently sits and waits for the prey to approach close enough and then catapults its long, sticky tongue and catches the prey in a blink of an eye.
Due to its small size, African tree toad has lot of natural enemies. It is often on a menu of various lizards, birds, snakes, rodents and large species of frog and toad.
Mating season of African tree toads takes place during the spring.
Female lays around 200 sticky eggs in the water pools inside the hollow trees.
Male guards eggs until they hatch, 6 to 21 days later.
Shortly after hatching, immature African tree toads jump out of the pools of water and start to search food in the forest.
Lifespan of African tree toad in the wild is unknown. It can survive 3 to 5 years in the captivity.

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