Xia Dynasty Facts

Xia Dynasty Facts
The Xia Dynasty was the first traditional dynasty in China, existing from 2070 BC to 1600 BC. The Xia Dynasty was established by Yu the Great after being given the throne by Shun, the last of the Five Emperors which included Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu, Emperor Ku, Emperor Yao, and Emperor Shun. Because the first writing system did not emerge in China until the 13th Century BC, the historical reference of China before this time is not as reliable. Some historians believe that the Xia Dynasty was only legendary, as no reference has been found on the oracle bones that have recorded history of China.
Interesting Xia Dynasty Facts:
Although there is no definitive proof of the existence of the Xia Dynasty, it is referenced in classic texts. These include Records of the Grand Historian, Classic of History, and the Bamboo Annals.
The Five Emperors that gave Yu the Great the throne were mythological. They are referred to as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.
After the first king of Xia, Yu, died, his son Qi took over, which established the hereditary system of government.
Under the system of hereditary, 15 of Qi's offspring were said to have ruled the Xia Dynasty.
Shaokang and Huai were considered good emperors but Taikand, Kongjia, and Jia were believed to be tyrants.
Most of the agricultural tools used during the Xia Dyansty were made of bone or stone.
Jade wear was made during the Xia Dynasty. Bronze smelting was also possible.
During the Xia Dynasty a calendar system was created that utilized both the solar and lunar movements.
Before the hereditary system that emerged during the Xia Dynasty, the ruler was chosen because of their ability to rule effectively.
Beneath the king, or emperor of the Xia Dynasty were feudal lords that ruled regions or provinces. Yu the Great is believed to have divided the country into nine provinces, with each being ruled by a lord that swore his loyalty to Yu.
The last king of the Xia Dynasty was Jie. He was corrupt and overthrown by the first king of what would become the Shang Dynasty - Tang.
The discovery of the Erlitou culture is leading some archeologists to believe that they may be uncovering the Xia Dynasty's remains.
Yu the Great is famous for his work that stopped the flooding in the region by building canals to redirect water to the ocean. His father Gun had tried but failed by building dykes and walls.
The emperor to reign the longest during the Xia Dynasty was Bu Jiang. He is considered to be one of the wisest rulers of the Xia.
The tradition of ancestor worship in China is believed to have been started by Shao King, the 6th ruler of the Xia Dynasty.
The Xia were considered to be advanced for their time, using irrigation, brick ovens, plaster homes, and potters wheels.
The Xia people were very religious and believed in many gods that represented everything in nature from rain, the earth, and rivers, to the sky.

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