Static Character Examples

Static Character

When authors create characters, they create static and dynamic characters. A dynamic character is one who changes and is affected by the events in the story. A static character is someone who does not change during the course of the story. This type of character is the same at the beginning of the story and the end of the story. Static characters are typically minor characters, or at least not the main character (protagonist) of the story.

Examples of Static Character:

A soldier who goes off to war is irrevocably changed as a result of his experiences, but his wife back home remains static throughout the story.

While a young girl learns many life lessons as she transitions to middle school, her parents remain static characters throughout the story.

Examples from Literature:

In Pride and Prejudice the main characters-Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy-are dynamic and learn valuable lessons about pride and prejudice. However, Mr. Collins (Elizabeth's cousin) and Mrs. Bennett (Elizabeth's mother) are static characters who never realize the error of their pride or prejudices.

Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird is a static character. He is the same upstanding moral compass at the beginning of the book and the end. Even the defeat he experiences in the courtroom during Tom Robinson's trial-a defeat that was obviously racially motivated-does not deter Atticus from his desire to do the right thing by all people.

In Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, Joe, the blacksmith, is static. Pip goes through a dynamic change in fortune, but Joe remains the same throughout the novel-treating Pip the same regardless of his fortunes.

Dudley and Mr. and Mrs. Dursley in Harry Potter are Harry's muggle cousin and aunt and uncle. Dudley dislikes Harry and bullies him, and Mr. and Mrs. Dursley allow it. In spite of the transformation that Harry goes through during the series, the Dursley's continue to look down on Harry and to treat him badly.

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