Fruit vs. Vegetable

Fruit vs. Vegetable

Fruits and vegetables are two large food groups that come from plants. Although there is a definite distinction between the two groups (the presence of seeds), plant foods are frequently misclassified.

A fruit is an edible part of a plant that is part of the plant's reproductive cycle and contains seeds. Fruits normally grow out of the flowering part of a plant. Some, such as watermelon, contain seeds on the inside while others, such as strawberries, contain seeds on the outside. Fruits are generally sweet.

A vegetable is an edible part of a plant that does not contain seeds and is not necessarily part of the plant's reproductive cycle. Vegetables are generally not considered sweet. Some starchy vegetables can be very high in sugar. Vegetables can be the root, stem, leaf, or flower of a plant.

Both are high in fiber and nutrients while low in calories and fat, making them good nutritional choices of food. There are many foods that are ambiguous in their classification as fruit or vegetable, or just generally misunderstood. Vegetables tend to be used more in cooking a main course or side dish, whereas fruits are often used as snacks or dessert.

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